Bellringer: Jan. 20 Using either your device OR a chrome book, go to animal-welfare Note the date this opinion piece was published. Note any key ideas Mr. Tompkins addresses which correspond to the film, Blackfish. A link to this site can also be found on – periods 1 and 7 honors.
Today is the start of MP 3! No work from MP 2 will be accepted unless I had previously spoken with you.
Film as persuasion What effects does the film maker use to guide the audience? How does she transition from one topic to another? What images are repeated over and over?
What are the KEY pieces of evidence for the film? Testimonials from former trainers (Sealand, SeaWorld) All the attacks (not isolated) - incident reports 54% of SeaWorld’s Orcas are related to Tilikum Wild Orcas never attack humans; their behavior is very different Captive habitats cause frustration The class came up with this information.
Who are the key sources for the film. Is each one credible Who are the key sources for the film? Is each one credible? Does anyone have a hidden agenda? David Duffus Howard Garrett Lori Marino (Emory University) Kenneth Balcomb III (Center for Whale Research)
SeaWorld Trainers Interviewed Jeff Ventre Samantha Berg John Jett Carol Ray John Hargrove Mark Simmons
How does Cowperthwaite manipulate our emotions? Trace the journey 911 call – sense of danger Whale hunt – horror and sadness - anger Whales crying when the offspring were taken away Tilikum locked up – anger Stunts – amazed/awe (based on the animals) Blood and injuries to the whales People being smashed by whales Almost drowning of Ken Peters – horror/awe/shock Loro Parque – his family’s sadness Wild whales, nice music – happy/mushy
Logical Fallacies for the film’s logic? Court – “rape capability” stack the deck? Trainers credibility (didn’t work at the time of the incident) – testimonial Connection between Sealand, Loro Parque and SeaWorld - red herring Accidents – hyperbole
Read the Rebuttal from SeaWorld and answer the questions.