World Civilization II
Introduction: The Basics Course title: “World Civilization II” Course Number: 43.108 Room: Dugan 208 Dates: 9/1 to 12/7 Times: Tu/Th, 3:30-4:45
Introduction: The Instructor Contact Information *E-mail*: Office Hours: Tu/Th, 1:00-3:00, in Dugan 106N Your e-mail address/contact info Should I need to contact you, I will do so at your student e-mail account…
Introduction: The Course Course Description Broad study of world history from early modern period to present Early Modern Powers to issues facing us in twenty-first century Surveys major attributes, people, events associated with modern world
Introduction: The Texts Philip Adler and Randall Pouwells, World Civilizations, 7th ed., vol. 2 RECOMMENDED Supplements lectures
Introduction: The Texts Rand McNally’s Historical Atlas of the World (2005) REQUIRED For map quizzes Goal: know where important locations are
Introduction: Grading Quizzes/Assignment 25% of your total grade (100 points) 2 map quizzes (25 points each 50 points) Primary source analysis (50 points) First Exam Second Exam Final Exam
Introduction: Grading Information about Exams Based on lectures Multiple choice, Scantron format To Keep in Mind While Studying No dates Pay special attention to CAPITALIZED terms, slides addressing single concepts or individuals! What is the main point?
Introduction: Grading Tardy Work 10-point deduction will result each day, for Failure to take exams and quizzes on scheduled day Late assignments
Introduction: Grading Extra Credit Extra credit options are available to hard-working students concerned about their grades Limit of two assignments Options? Second (or third) primary source paper Oral presentation Must be completed before final class period
Introduction: Grading “A Policy” Earn all A grades (90-100) on first two exams, map quizzes, and writing assignment… Reward Exemption from having to take final Final grade: A or A-
Introduction: Attendance Regarding Attendance Not part of your grade Students will receive BOOST in final grade if… They constantly attend Constantly participate in class discussions, etc. Are constantly present for historical films, documentaries, etc.
Introduction: Miscellaneous Academic Dishonesty Will not be tolerated in this class!
Introduction: Miscellaneous Disabilities Let the instructor know as soon as possible so any necessary arrangements can be made…
Introduction: Miscellaneous Lectures Our class will be mostly based on lectures Lectures available online:
Introduction: Miscellaneous Cell phones must be turned off before lectures begin Snacks and drinks are okay
Introduction Questions?
Introduction Who are you? Name, nickname Major Why this class?
World Civilization II How do the following images reflect on themes from the modern world?
World Civilization II
World Civilization II
World Civilization II
World Civilization II
World Civilization II
World Civilization II
World Civilization II
World Civilization II
World Civilization II
World Civilization II Questions?