What do I need to know by the end? How to respond to the Unseen Poetry question. Know at least four poetic techniques. Be able to identify the techniques in a poem. Know the theme of the poem.
Homework 2012 Paper 2 Section 2: Poetry Question One 1 and 2.
Poetry Section Paper 2, Section 2. 30 marks. Unseen Poetry and Poetry Studied. The focus here is on your ability to respond to a poem that you have never seen before, to understand the central ideas and to comment on some of the issues of style (use of language, imagery, etc.).
The examiners favourite questions are based on: The three Ts of theme, tone and technique. They also look for your opinion.
What are Poetic Techniques?
Theme: Is the main topic or issue that inspired the poem. Some common themes include: Growth Personal Development Success and Failure Fear Anger Loyalty isolation
Imagery: Images are the pictures that form in your mind as you read.
Similes: creates a picture by comparing two things of different natures using the words ‘as’, ‘like’ or ‘than’. He marched off to class like a soldier on a mission. Her smile was as bright as the sun. The puddle seemed as big as the ocean.
Metaphor: it is a comparison, but without using as or like. ‘He was a lion in battle.’ Her hair was a drowned rat.’
Personification This is when poets write of non-human things as if they were human. For example: ‘The wind stood up and gave a shout…’ Grafton Street is yawning, waking limb by limb…’
Alliteration: Is when the same letter is repeated at the beginning of several words. It helps give a line a beat. For example: ‘scary spells make slimy slugs’ Product names: Dunkin’ Donuts, Coca Cola
Spongebob Squarepants
Bugs Bunny
Fred Flinstone
Luna Lovegood
Assonance: is the repetition of similar vowel sounds in words in a sentence. For example: ‘The plate was shapely and well made’ ‘On a proud round cloud in a white high night.’
Onomatopoeia: When a word imitates the sound it is describing. Words like: Zip, Bang, Woof , Boom, Splosh, Swish, Hiss, quack. For example, ‘Jewellers’ steel shutters clatter upwards…’
Tone: When people talk to someone you can change the meaning of what you say by changing your tone of voice. The tone of voice of the poet or the speaker in the poem. For example, a sombre tone.
Rhyme: when the sounds of words are repeated, usually at the end of lines. For example, ‘I know that I shall meet my fate Somewhere among the clouds above; Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love;’
Satire: When a poem/novel/ film attacks its subject by ridiculing or laughing at it. We will look at this properly in the next class.
What have I learned? How to respond to the Unseen Poetry question Know at least four poetic techniques. Be able to identify the techniques in a poem. Know the theme of the poem.