March 8th, 2017 Brown AC ELA
Learning Target ELAGSE8W8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. Learning Target: Avoid plagiarism by citing your sources and creating a work cited page. Warm-up: Be prepared to take notes on “Verb Moods”
Opening- Verb Moods Half Sheet of Paper. Number 1-10. Flip over when you are done and wait until everyone is finished.
Task- Work Cited and Citing Evidence In-text Citations: 1. Tag + Quote + (author’s last name and page number). 2. Tag with author’s name + Quote + (page number). 3. Summary or Paraphrase + (author’s last name and page number). 4. Summary or Paraphrase with author’s name + (page number).
Task- Rough Draft 1. Review your rough draft. 2. Find textual evidence that will support your thoughts. 3. Make sure you cite them correctly. 4. Continue to work on your project.
Closing Get together with other students completing the same project and share your ideas. Ask the following questions: What did you like about my project? What can I do to make my project better?