Pinterest Marketing Strategy For [Insert Company Name]
Pinterest Audience Demographics The current Pinterest audience is made up of: Demographic one Demographic two Demographic three Demographic four Demographic five
Our Target Audience Is: Demographics Age Gender Job Title Location Income Interests One Two Three Four Five Hobbies What problems are they facing?
Business Objectives Our business objectives are: Objective One Objective Two Objective Three
Will Being On Pinterest Benefit Us? How will being on Pinterest benefit our business?
Our Content Core Our content core is developed from the following topics: Topic One Topic Two Topic Three Topic Four Topic Five
Board Titles Our new board titles and topics will be: Title One Title Two Title Three Title Four Title Five
Pinterest Board Categories Our new board titles will be: Category One Category Two Category Three Category Four Category Five
Pinterest Curated Content Categories Our curated content topics will be: Category One Category Two Category Three Category Four Category Five
Our Pinning Schedule Time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Time
Goals and Metrics Objective One Objective Two Objective Three Objective Four Objective Five Metric
Measurement Objective One Objective Two Objective Three Objective Four Objective Fiv Progress to Goal