Henry Ford Health System Project Plans February 15, 2012 MICHIGAN MINORITY CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION Henry Ford Health System Project Plans February 15, 2012 Marco Chapicchioni Vice Pres
Henry Ford Health System Vision Transforming lives and communities through health and wellness, one person at a time. Vision The vision for the HFHS is: Transforming lives and communities through health and wellness…one person at a time. Why am I telling you this…after all the only thing you want is a chance to do construction work and to build great buildings? The difference is that when you do construction related work at HFHS, you are actually part of the care team. Let me give you an example from another industry first. A housekeeper in the Johnson Space Center in the 1960s was once asked by a reporter, “What is your job?” And he responded: “My job is to get a man on the moon.” So if you do work on our campus your answer to the question is “My job is to transform lives and communities through health and healing…one person at a time. At HFHS if we ask you to work on our projects, your job, similar to the housekeeper at the Johnson Space Center is to improve the health of our patients. No, we will not be asking your carpenters to perform orthopedic surgery but the role you play is very important. How can a contractor help to improve the health of our patients?
Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital
North Campus Development Henry Ford Hospital North Campus Development
Henry Ford Hospital South Campus