Eschatology, a Broad Perspective From Genesis to Revelation 1/1/2019
Basic Outline Three major divisions; John was commanded to write concerning Things past, “the things which you have seen,” i.e. the Patmos vision (1:1-20) Things present, “the things which are,” i.e. the existing churches (2:1-3:22) Things future, “the things which shall take place after these things,” i.e. events after the Church Age ends (4:1-22:5). “Write therefore the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall take place after these things.” (Rev 1:19) NASB 1/1/2019
The Seven Churches 1/1/2019
Thyatira An ancient Greek city about 50 miles from the Aegean; modern-day Akhisar, Turkey Originally known as Pelopia, renamed in 290 B.C. During the Roman era, it was famous for its dyeing facilities and the center of purple cloth trade; home to Lydia (Acts 16:14) Archeology suggests that Thyatira had more guilds than any other contemporary city in Roman Asia province Home to a Christian community until 1922 1/1/2019
Akhisar, Turkey Akhisar (or as it was known then Thyatira) was an insignificant town until it was refounded by Seleucus Nicator in the beginning of the 3rd century BCE. It was originally a military fort but lost this purpose with the rise of the Romans and soon became a wealthy commercial city. The city had a number of trade guilds. Every skilled worker was a member of a union (listed as tailors, woolworkers, tanners, potters, bakers, etc). Following the Ottoman conquest of the area known as Thyatira, the name was changed to that of Ak-Hissar [Akhisar] which means "the white fortress," [see Figure 2.] which it still bears. The white fortress that the occupying Turks found was the ruins of ancient Thyatira. They were rediscovered in 1995 CE when some construction was being attempted. Most of the ancient site remains under the streets and buildings of Akhisar. Thyatira was strategically situated on a main road that ran between Laodicea and Pergamum. The city was part of the imperial post road which linked Italy, Greece and Asia Minor with Egypt. Akhisar is 117 km (78 miles) from Izmir and 6 km (4 miles) from Or Yehouda [light of Juda], Agriculture school. In 1834 CE only three families lived there who originated from Manisa, but by 1904 CE there were 75 Jewish families. 1/1/2019
To the Church in Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29) Christ, the Author “The Son of God” (cf. Mt 3:17, Jn 1:14, Jn 14:13) Eyes like flames of fire (cf. Rev 1:14) His eyes are unbearably bright seeing all and penetrating all to bring accurate judgment. Feet like polished (burnished) bronze (cf. Rev 1:15) Symbolic of purity and enforcement of same 1/1/2019
To the Church in Thyatira (con’t) Once again, Christ repeats that He knows all of their deeds Top five qualities: Love Faith Service Perseverance Constant improvement in these qualities Not only does He know intimately all that is going on He notes improvement and decline. The concept is a continual awareness of all activity and the progression of events positive and negative. 1/1/2019
To the Church in Thyatira (con’t) Yet, He identifies a deep flaw – – Tolerance – “You are permitting that woman … to lead my servants astray.” (v20) … [F]alse teaching (‘deeper truths,’ as they call them—depths of Satan actually)” (v24b) 1/1/2019
The “Jezebel” Self-identified prophetess Uniquely among the letters identifies a single individual for condemnation Real name is unknown, but paralleled with Jezebel Infamous idolatrous queen (1 Kings 16:31; 21:25) Terrible fate prophesized by Elijah (1 Kings 21:23; 2 Kings 9:30-37) Self-identified prophetess Christ dismisses that characterization Yet she clearly has significant influence Leading His own astray – returning to paganism Through immoral acts (sexual sin & eating food offered to idols) She encouraged acts of moral compromise drawing the believing community back into paganism. She might have encouraged participation in the guild feasts that became orgies to the god of the guild 1/1/2019
The “Jezebel” Time enough to repent Severe consequences to show Christ’s omniscience For her: a bed of suffering For her followers/converts: suffering and death We, too, will receive what we deserve Implied is the possibility that she might have been a believer. She refused the offer. It is interesting that the Lord mercifully provided the offer of repentance to one of such pernicious influence. When the Lord acts in discipline all become serious about what they are doing. The Lord knows the hearts of all which is the basis of His judgment. Searching the mind and heart of each person includes the thought process and the emotions and intents. It is a complete evaluation of an individual. Works count before God. He judges works and requires accountability for sin from believers. Salvation is not the issue. A pure heart and life and eternal reward are the concerns. 1/1/2019
The True Believers Christ asks “nothing more of you except that you hold tightly to what you have until I come.” Promises to the overcomers (ho νικῶν – the overcoming (ones)) Authority over the nations With an iron rod, smashing them like clay pots (Ps 2:9; Is 30:14, Jer 19:11) The gift of the morning star – Christ Himself Promised intimacy with Christ They had not known the “deep things of Satan” by being polluted with Jezebel’s false teaching. They had remained faithful to the true gospel. Evidently some of those who followed false teaching felt they could know the “depths of Satan” by experience and come away unscathed spiritually while mocking the “scruples” of those who stayed away from the idol feasts and the orgies that followed. Holding fast was enough. They were given no other responsibility. Their situation was apparently so challenging that just being faithful to the truth was sufficient. As an extension of the authority given Christ by the Father. In the millennial age we are to rule with Christ. The overcomers in this church were promised participation in His kingdom as those having great authority, so much so that it is compared to the power to shatter the potter’s vessels to pieces. They were given the promise of intimacy with Christ. The promises to overcomers in all of the churches are actually the promises given all true believers for the kingdom age and beyond. 1/1/2019
The Prophetic Nature of the Letters? Location Church Time Frame Characteristic Ephesus The Apostolic Church 30-100 AD Lost first love Smyrna The Persecuted Church 100-312 AD Persecuted Church Pergamum The State Church 312-590 AD Faithful, but tolerates false teachers Thyatira The Papal Church 590-1517 AD Church dominated by a powerful false teacher Sardis The Reformed Church 1517-1790 AD Spiritually dying church Philadelphia The Missionary Church 1790-1900 AD Faithful witnessing church Laodicea The Apostate Church 1900- Lukewarm church 1/1/2019
Take-aways There are limits to “tolerance” within the church Immorality and behavior inconsistent with the true Gospel are dangerous with eternal consequences – repent! Believers must hold tightly to the truth, empowered by the Holy Spirit “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” I Pet 1:14-16 1/1/2019
The Next Several Weeks Nov 6 IBC Band (No Morning Song) Nov 13 Sardis Jim Nov 20 Philadelphia Clint Nov 27 Laodicea Jon Dec 4 A Vision of God’s Throne Chris Dec 11 Christmas Concerts (No Morning Song) Dec 18 The Seven-sealed Scroll Clint Dec 25 Merry Christmas! (No ABFs) 1/1/2019
See you NEXT week! 1/1/2019