Welcome to Third Grade Parent Orientation
Homework Homework should take no more than 30 minutes each night. When no other specific homework is given, students should spend 30 minutes reading and practicing multiplication facts. The goal of homework in the 3rd grade is to develop study habits. Homework will be sent home every Monday and will be due on Friday.
Conduct Conduct marks will go home in the Take Home Folder on Fridays and are to be returned signed on Mondays. Conduct for report cards are based on the checks received in the Take Home Folder for the nine weeks.
Early Release Times This year our early release days are: Aug. 26, Sept. 14, Oct 5, Oct 26, Oct, 27, Nov 9, Dec 16, Feb 1, April 5, May 17, and June 2 A sandwich lunch will be available through the cafeteria. Dismissal time will be at 12:00.
STAAR State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Math and reading are tested in third grade. Math STAAR test will be Monday, May 8th Reading STAAR test will be Tuesday, May 9th Skills are taught or reinforced in daily instruction. Practice tests will be given. As teachers, we will do our best for students to have a positive attitude and be confident about taking the test.
Birthday Celebrations Ice cream treats may be purchased for your child’s class from the cafeteria. Please order at least 2 weeks in advance. Form is online on our website or contact Mary Brooks for a hard copy. Although a parent or grandparent is not prohibited from providing food for a school-designated function or for children in the child’s or grandchild’s classroom for his or her birthday, please be aware that children in the school may have severe allergies to certain food products. Therefore, it is imperative to discuss this with the child’s teacher prior to bringing any food in this circumstance.
Mrs. Carr’s Information Phone: 281-641-2656 Email: jaime.carr@humble.k12.tx.us Conference time: 11:00 – 11:55 Tutoring on an as need basis in the morning 7:30-7:55