Scheduling/Graduation Requirements 2021 Graduates Scheduling/Graduation Requirements
Holt High School Main Campus – 9th Grade Principal: Mr Holt High School Main Campus – 9th Grade Principal: Mr. Mike Willard Counselors: Ms. Reichard: Student last names A-G; Career Center Mr. Conner: student last names H-O; The Early College Ms. Lown: student last names P-Z; Testing Ms. Schaeff: North Campus
Scheduling Agenda Credit Review Program Planning Manual Review Request Sheet Request sheet due Feb 15th to math teachers.
Extra Curricular Activities High School Sports (must pass 4 out of 6 classes) Debate, Forensics, Science Olympiad, Quiz Bowl Clubs: Sampling Student Council Ping Pong Animee No National Honors Society for freshmen; apply as a sophomore
Credit Review
Program Planning Manual Scheduling Website .5 credits = 1 semester 1.0 credits = 2 semesters (Full Year) Modern Language- Two years in the same language 8th grade transfers in as HS credit (1.0 credit) Effects GPA
9th Grade: Core Classes US History 1900- present 2 semesters Geometry (Honors available) 2 semesters English 9 (Honors available) 2 semesters Earth Science 2 semesters = 8 out of 12 possible in a year.
Scheduling Request Timeline
Course Request Form Honors Geometry Honors English Block Class Two sides Selections on back grid Make 2-4 selections Choose Alternates on Front
Course Selection Grid
FAQ- Will we be permitted to request our classes? Electives only. We will automatically select your core classes and add them to the request list. What if I failed a class? If you failed a class, you can add it to your list of requested courses. You may also take classes in summer school, or virtual H.S. What if I don’t get a teacher that I want? As usual, you can not request teacher switches. At this time because we are not doing online scheduling, the computer will pick your teacher. You will be required to have that teacher for that course. Will there be a drop and add period? There will be no drop and add period. The only schedule adjustments that will be permitted are: missing hours, missing grad requirement, duplicate courses.