BR: 2/14/17 What Camp Floyd a success or a failure? Does it depend on your perspective? Explain:
Utah Studies Ch. 9 Settlements, Transportation, & Mining More Settlements & Transportation
New Settlements After the Utah War, more and more Mormons converted and came to Utah, many from Europe. And more settlements were planned and created as a result. For example, Huntsville was settled in 1860, named after Jefferson Hunt, who led seven different families into the area. They met Chief Little Soldier and his Shoshone tribe, but to avoid conflict, they agreed to pay the Indians an annual tax of cattle, flour, and vegetables. They were later joined by a large group of Danish settlers. Get in pairs, and one pretend to be a) Little Soldier, and b) Jefferson Hunt. Each of you write a short speech (2 paragraphs) explaining why you came to this agreement. How will it help your people? How will it keep the peace? Share and help one another!
The Cotton Mission Meanwhile, Brigham Young saw a lot of potential in the Southern part of the Territory, in what is now known as Utah’s Dixie. He felt that the climate could provide “the Territory with cotton, sugar, grapes, tobacco, figs, almonds, olive oil…[&] produce wine for the holy sacrament, for medicine, and for sale to outsiders.” Several small communities were colonized, like Ash Creek, but the biggest group were 300 men and their families, who in 1861 settled along the Virgin River, and created St. George, perhaps named after one of their leaders, George A. Smith, a Mormon apostle* Despite many problems, the town grew. It soon had lots of cotton growing and being traded and sold. However, floods, heat, drought, and many other such problems plagued these saints. St. George soon became an important stopping point on the way to California. *Article, Hard Life Handout
Transportation Before the railroad came to Utah, people would often take a stagecoach, a faster wagon that was run by daring individuals who risked life and limb traveling through Indian country, taking freight, travelers, mail, etc. The routes had rest stops along the way, to change horses, get some food and rest, etc. VID One stage route came right through Northern Utah, but Goshutes and Shoshone often attacked it, worried it meant more whites would settle their lands. The U.S. Army at Camp Floyd sent troops to deal with the situation, in what became known as the Goshute War. The Army slaughtered an entire Indian village, and the war finally ended with over 100 Indians dead and 16 whites killed. 7 rest stations were destroyed just in Utah, and the route often ended up closed as a result. This was the same route that the Pony Express would take for several years. VID SVID. Pony Express Handout
Project The rest of the Class Period will be used to create a poster, on one of two things: either the Pony Express, or Stagecoaches, the choice is yours. This will be due Next Tuesday, but we will have time Thursday as well. See the Handout for more info!