Baj The Odyssey Edition
Ground Rules NO help from classmates! For each question you answer correctly, you get to pull a prize slip from the chicken box of fate Have fun! Don’t sweat it! It’s just a game :)
Round 1
Name that Character
Who is Odysseus’s son?
Where in the World?
Where does Queen Persephone reign?
The Underworld
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Why is The Odyssey called an “epic” poem?
It’s a really long poem
The Plot Thickens...
Why does Odysseus have to go to the underworld?
to speak to Tiresias to get further directions for his journey; find out how to break the curse
Name that Character (encore)
Who asks Odysseus to give him a proper burial?
Round 2
Name that Character
Who traps Odysseus on her island for 7 years?
Where in the World?
What is Odysseus’s hometown’s name?
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What is a comparison that takes place over several lines?
Epic Simile
The Plot Thickens...
Where does Odysseus and his men end up after the Aeolus debacle?
Name that Character (encore)
What is Odysseus’s father’s name?
Round 3
Name that Character
Who were the giant cannibals who destroyed nearly all of Odysseus’s ships?
Where in the World?
What is the name of Calypso’s island?
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What is a brief descriptive phrase used to express a characteristic of the person mentioned?
The Plot Thickens...
Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus?
he stabbed the eye of his son
Name that Character (encore)
Who, after prompted by Athena to wash her clothes, comes across naked Odysseus and offers to help him?
Round 4
Name that Character
Whose cattle is eaten by Odysseus’s men?
Where in the World?
Where is Odysseus when he tells his story? (Or, who is he with?)
Scheria / Land of the Phaecians
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What is a reference to an outside work?
The Plot Thickens...
Why are there suitors in Odysseus’s home?
they want to marry Penelope / become king
Name that Character (encore)
Who tells Odysseus he would rather be a slave and alive than a ruler in the underworld?
Round 5
Name that Character
Who is also known as the “red haired king”?
Where in the World?
Where does King Nestor rule?
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What do scholars call Telemachus’s mini journey?
The Telemachy
The Plot Thickens...
Where was Odysseus when he had to drag his men back to his ship and tie them up before leaving?
Land of the Lotus Eaters
Name that Character (encore)
Who is murdered by his wife and her lover after he returns from Troy?
Round 6
Name that Character
What is the cyclop’s name?
Where in the World?
Where does Menelaus rule?
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What does “en media res” mean?
in the middle
The Plot Thickens...
Why does Telemachus go to see King Nestor and Menelaus?
to seek news about his father
Name that Character (encore)
What is the collective name of the Greeks?