Jean-Pierre Halkin, DG Regional and Urban Policy Instrument for Pre-Accession cooperation programmes enhancing enlargement agenda Jean-Pierre Halkin, DG Regional and Urban Policy
Why IPA CBC programmes matter? "It is also unique to the EU to actively promote territorial cooperation such as through IPA regional and cross-border programmes. The added value is obvious: reconciliation and confidence building in the Western Balkans, overcoming of geographical and mental barriers and developing of good neighbourly relations – all these remain key aspects in the process of EU enlargement, addressed solely by EU programmes and not by international or bilateral donors." Mid-term evaluation report of IPA II
IPA CBC PROGRAMMES WITH MSs FUNDS (IPA + ERDF) Hungary-Serbia 65,124,000 Romania-Serbia 74,906,248 Croatia-Serbia 34,293,188 Croatia-Bosnia&Herzegovina-Montenegro 57,155,316 Bulgaria-Turkey 25,196,460 Bulgaria-former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 16,542,434 Bulgaria-Serbia 28,986,914 Italy-Albania-Montenegro 78,801,422 Greece-Fyrom 38,649,552 Greece-Albania 35,965,222 TOTAL FUNDING 455,620,756 Speaking points
3. TN programmes with IPA countries participation Danube Transnational Programme (263 million euro) More information: Adriatic-Ionian Transnational Programme (118 million euro) More information: Balkan-Meditteranean Programme (40 million euro) More information: Meditteranean Programme (276 million euro) More information:
IPA CBC Programmes: why cooperation works? Cooperation criteria: Each joint operation to involve beneficiaries from at least two countries participating in a programme, at least one of which is from the Member State. Joint development and joint implementation of operations and either joint staffing or joint financing Lead beneficiary responsible for the implementation of the operation as a whole
IPA CBC Programmes – delivering results Performance framework Financial and physical output and result indicators established per programme and priority, with baseline and targets Performance checked in 2019 (based on milestones achieved) and in 2023 Possible sanctions: suspension of payments, financial corrections
IPA CBC Programmes: awarded for quality
European Cooperation Day: 21 September 1 minute video on You Tube
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