Police Sport UK PSUK Rules for Organising Sports Championships PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013
ALL PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 The responsibility for agreeing to hold PSUK Championship events rests solely with PSUK Council. Once a Championship is approved by Council, the annual arrangements for the event are the responsibility of the Sports Section Committee
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS Sports Section Committee The Section Committee may organise the Event centrally. The Section may allocate the Event to a Host Force Sports Club
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS The Section Committee may organise the Event centrally The Section may allocate the Event to a Host Force Sports Club. CONSIDERATION MUST BE GIVEN TO THE LOCATION OF THE EVENT, Events held centrally WILL encourage more entrants and avoid unnecessary travel or accommodation costs. Events held in some more remote parts of the UK will increase costs for travel and possibly accommodation. This should be avoided if possible.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS Arrangements will be identical Appoint a CHAMPIONSHIP COMMITTEE and CHAMPIONSHIP SECRETARY
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS The Championship Committee should allocate tasks as appropriate - 1.Entry Form & Entry Collation 2.Venue Liaison 3.Health & Safety 4.Hotels & Accommodation Liaison 5.Prizes & Trophies 6.Function 7.etc.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 1.Entry Form & Entry Collation ALL Entry Forms must be approved by PSUK Admin Manager PRIOR to general circulation to Force Secretaries or Force Point of Contact
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS ALL Entry Forms must be approved by PSUK Admin Manager FAILURE TO SUBMIT FORMS FOR APPROVAL will result in withdrawal of any PSUK Grant to that National Championships, and possibly withdrawal of approval to Host the Event on behalf of PSUK.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 1.Entry Form & Entry Collation Entry Forms must include a FULL BREAKDOWN of Financial costs. Bearing in mind that MOST Force Sports Clubs only pay a proportion of competitor costs, particularly for meals and accommodation. Package Prices must be apportioned, so Force Sports Clubs can decide on the level of support to their members.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 1.Entry Form & Entry Collation ENTRY FEES At all Championship Events there is an expectation that Entry Fees are kept to a minimum, and should only cover legitimate expenses for costs associated with hosting the Event. This should NOT include Function costs.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 1.Entry Form & Entry Collation ENTRY FEES Individual & Team Entry Fees - Should cover costs associated with the Event logistics, a breakdown of how the Entry Fee has been calculated MUST be included in the Entry Information. Section Secretaries will be in a position to advise Organisers.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 2. Venue Liaison 1.Location and Accessibility 2.Fit for Purpose 3.Cost
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 2. Venue Liaison 1.Location and Accessibility - Ensure that the location is near to motorway and rail networks. Avoid expensive costs such as flights to and from venues.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 2. Venue Liaison 2. Fit for Purpose - All venues should normally have been previously utilised for a similar size or like for like sports event.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 2. Venue Liaison Ensure that all costs are reasonable and that a written agreement is in place between both parties. Take into account extras such as VAT.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 2. Venue Liaison Ensure ALL bookings include set-up and set-down charges.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 3. Health & Safety All PSUK Championships should have a SAFETY OFFICER who will have sole responsibility for conducting a full Risk Assessment for the Event
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 3. Health & Safety Guidelines for Safety Officers can be found on the PSUK web site (ABOUT PSUK)
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 3. Health & Safety Risk Assessments MUST include 1.Venue 2.Competitors 3.Officials 4.Members of the Public
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 4. Hotels & Accommodation Liaison 1.Location and Accessibility 2.Fit for Purpose 3.Cost
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 4. Hotels & Accommodation Liaison Try to offer a MENU of choices. It is not necessary for everyone to stay in the same hotel ! Consider Hotels, Travelodge or University Accommodation
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 4. Hotels & Accommodation Liaison Set a BUDGET for Hotel Costs. It is suggested by Force Sports Clubs that £30-£45pp is adequate for Bed & Breakfast accommodation.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 4. Hotels & Accommodation Liaison Remember – Not ALL Force Sports Clubs pay the full lodging costs. This can place extra burden on the competitor and may reduce entrants.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 4. Hotels & Accommodation Liaison All competitors MUST be offered accommodation for a minimum number of nights. Avoid package deals that restrict competitors from returning home as soon as possible. Remember they may HAVE TO return to duty or home.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document Prizes & Trophies All awards presented at PSUK Championships must be deemed appropriate for the Event. Normally a medal or plaque is adequate to recognise the achievement. PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document Prizes & Trophies It is totally inappropriate to award – CASH PRIZES or EXPENSIVE GIFTS. Remember you are using Sports Club money to fund prizes. PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document Prizes & Trophies All perpetual trophies are the property of PSUK and a proper record of presentation and recipient should be maintained for future events. PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document Prizes & Trophies Experience has shown that having a single person responsible for trophies and prizes will result in a swift and efficient prize giving. PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document Prizes & Trophies The Prize Presentations should be held as soon as possible after the completion of the Event, this ensures that competitors are not unduly delayed in returning home. PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 6. Function It is fully recognised by PSUK that the FUNCTION associated with a Championship is an integral part of the Event.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 6. Function However, organisers MUST note that the function is additional to the Event and should not be considered more important.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 6. Function Expensive Banquets and Lavish Entertainment are not appropriate. Again, remember that Sports Clubs and Competitors are paying towards the costs.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 6. Function Consider a menu of options for the Event. Simple food, or buffet meal. D.J. rather than Live Band. No expensive after dinner speakers.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 6. Function Under normal circumstances there should be NO FREE alcohol or wine provided, other than a welcome drink for VIPs and/or sponsors etc.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 6. Function Avoid making the dress code too elaborate. Some competitors may NOT be in a position to afford this.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 6. Function Under NO circumstances should there be more than ONE official function associated with each Championship Event.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 6. Function The cost of any PSUK Function should not normally exceed the recommended price per head. (Currently £30 per head)
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 6. Function It should be fully clear on the Balance Sheet the costs associated with the function. This must not be funded out of Entry Fees.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous There has been a growing practice at many PSUK events to provide a memento of the event, e.g. T.shirt etc. This practice is unnecessary and should only be allowed if sponsorship pays for the items. Force Sports Clubs should not be expected to buy such items, out of entry fees, for their members.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous SPONSORSHIP PSUK fully supports ALL efforts by Championship Organisers to secure sponsorship on a local basis. However this should not directly conflict with PSUK Official Sponsors, and must conform to normal standards as appropriate to the service.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous SPONSORSHIP Whenever sponsorship is received, e.g. cash amount, this should be offset against the cost of Entry Fees etc. If the sponsorship is in specific goods, these should be distributed appropriately.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous RAFFLE & PRIZES If the Organisers decide to have a Raffle as part of the event or function, this should be self funding and normally for a charitable purpose.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous ACCOUNTS All Championships should have a separate Account Balance Sheet for the Event. This should not be included in Section Accounts
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous ACCOUNTS Accounts should be completed in line with the example shown on the PSUK Website
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous ACCOUNTS A copy of the Final Accounts must be forwarded to the PSUK Admin Manager within three months of the Event.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous ACCOUNTS If an Event makes a profit it is PSUK policy that the profit should be split equally three ways – PSUK, Sports Section Funds, and Host Force
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous SALARIES & HONORARIA Under NO circumstances should any individual associated with PSUK be paid either a salary or honoraria for services associated with the organisation of a PSUK Championship Event.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 PSUK Championship Strategy Document 2013 PSUK CHAMPIONSHIPS 7. Miscellaneous GRATUITIES Should any individual associated with PSUK receive any gratuity or benefit in kind as a result of organising any event, details of the benefit MUST be shown in the Championship Accounts and declared to the PSUK Admin Officer.
PSUK Rules for Organising Championships - Document 2013 Police Sport UK PSUK Rules for Organising Sports Championships