PROGRAM HISTORY Sport Clubs at CWU since 1970s Rugby and Rodeo are the two oldest clubs on campus In 2000 there were only 3 sport clubs Currently we have 24 sport clubs CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
CURRENT CLUBS Archery Bowling Climbing Cycling Dance Equestrian Fencing Golf Ice Hockey Karate CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs Lacrosse (Mens) Lacrosse (Womens) Rodeo Rugby (Mens) Rugby (Womens) Soccer (Mens) Soccer (Womens) Swim Tennis Ultimate Frisbee Water Polo (Mens) Water Polo (Womens) Wake Sports Wrestling
11-12 PROGRAM STATISTICS Over 600 participants 99 away competitions all over the country CWU hosted 48 competitions CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 8 clubs competed in national competitions in the past 2 years 2 clubs appeared on national television Clubs are beginning to attract students to participate in their clubs CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
FUNDING REQUEST Funding Request Summary Staff Wages & Benefits: $40,486 Goods & Services: $83,150 Regional Travel: $42,444 National Travel: $72,885 Equipment: $7,500 TOTAL: $249,456 CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
FUNDING REQUEST BREAKDOWN Student Wages Graduate Assistant (x1): $10,000 Student Supervisors (x4): $19,807 Lifeguards: $5,000 Photo/Video: $4,500 TOTAL:$39,307 CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
FUNDING REQUEST BREAKDOWN Goods & Services: Insurance Policy: $45,000 Memberships: $15,800 Vehicle Maintenance: $6,750 CPR/FA Certifications: $3,600 First Aid Supplies: $3,000 Field Painting: $3,500 Publicity: $3,500 Computer Software: $2,000 TOTAL:$83,150 CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
FUNDING REQUEST BREAKDOWN Travel Regional Travel: $42,444 (See travel breakdown in request) National Travel: $72,885 (This is the average amount allocated by this committee in the past 2 yrs) TOTAL:$115,329 CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
FUNDING REQUEST BREAKDOWN Equipment: $7,500 Vehicle Replacement: $7,500 Other Equipment: N/A (Clubs purchase their own equipment with revenue they generate.) CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
SPORT CLUB TRIVIA QUESTION How much revenue did clubs generate in the academic year? CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
SPORT CLUB TRIVIA QUESTION $330,584 CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs PLEASE NOTE: This figure was derived by adding up the revenue from individual club ledgers.
REVENUE GENERATION CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs PLEASE NOTE: Funding Provided by CWU to clubs in FY 12 was the matching funds allocated to individual clubs from the sport club budget and supplemental funding allocated by the S&A budget committee.
WHY SUPPORT SPORT CLUBS? Promoting CWU on a regional and national stage –Two clubs featured on national television –We have several clubs qualifying to compete in national competitions annually –Several clubs have been ranked in national polls –Competed in 147 competitions last year CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
WHY SUPPORT SPORT CLUBS? This program helps recruit & retain students –We have students coming to CWU to compete in sport clubs from within the state, out of state and internationally –I know students that are staying in school to continue to compete with their club –I also know students that are struggling academically and are working hard to stay in school and perform academically so they can compete –In a recent study social connections was the most popular response when asked how participation in this program impacted their experience at CWU CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
WHY SUPPORT SPORT CLUBS? These students are passionate, dedicated, resourceful and engaged members of the campus community –Generate revenue (over $240,000) –Many hours are spent training, traveling, fund raising and meeting requirements CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
WHY SUPPORT SPORT CLUBS? Student development opportunities outside the classroom –Over 100 students from different clubs were surveyed and 86% of these students that served as a club officer said they grew as a result of their experience as a club officer –89% of club officers felt their leadership experience helped prepare them for their future career and life after college –95% of all participants said they would recommend participating in a sport club to a friend CWU Collegiate Sport Clubs
I feel that being in the equestrian club has given me a huge confidence boost and has turned me into a great leader. Playing a sport here at Central has introduce d me to a group of people that are now a support group and are now some of my best friends. It has made the transition from high school to college exponentially easier. Im an exchange student and it's very different for me the way people attend school in America… participating in a sports club makes my experience at Central more like what I expected it to be before I came over from the Netherlands.