Department of Sport and Recreation PREPARATION for Officials
Accreditation Are you sufficiently qualified and accredited for the level of game/event you wish to officiate? Contact your sports organisation to verify your level Determine methods to increase your level of accreditation and career pathway
Pre Season When does your season commence? Verify with the local organising body Conversant with any rule changes Do you need to undertake a fitness regime? Do you require to pass a fitness or theory test to officiate in your sport?
Your Appointment Have you received notification of your next appointment? Confirm your availability Who are the competing teams What is the level of competition Where is the venue When do I need to be at the venue
On The Day Food Intake – Hydration, energy foods (carbohydrates) allow time for digestion Make sure your uniform and equipment are ready Prepare - mental approach Allow for travel time and arrive early We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle
Before The Game Are you fit enough, no injuries? Pre game preparation Your routine Rituals Administration, team lists, scrutineering Pre game disruptions Warm up
Psychological Preparation Mental preparation, concentration and confidence are critical to good officiating They should include: Warm up Game strategy – knowledge of competitors Flow – speed of game/competitors/your positioning Imagery – awareness, what if? Selective attention - focus
After The Event If of a physical nature, remember to warm down Re-hydrate Finalise result sheets/match cards Game or incident reports to be filed Self analysis
6 Ps to Preparation P rior P lanning and P reparation P revents P oor P erformance