Název školy: ZŠ Klášterec nad Ohří, Krátká 676 Autor: Lenka Špillerová Název materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_ 08 _42_ present continuous Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1115 Anotace: Prezentace pro 7. ročník k připomenutí přítomného času průběhového. Žák porovnává přítomný čas prostý a průběhový, odpovídá na otázky v průběhovém čase, převádí věty do záporu, tvoří otázky a odpovídá na ně podle obrázků.
Přítomný čas průběhový Present continuous Přítomný čas průběhový
děj se odehrává právě teď podmět + tvar slovesa být+ sloveso –ing I am not drinking You are swimming He is fishing She singing It snowing We running They talking
take – taking have – having get - getting sit - sitting swim - swimming run - running
What are they doing? it - fly It´s flying. she - dance She´s dancing. make sentences it - fly It´s flying. she - dance She´s dancing. they - sit They are sitting. he - play the guitar He´s playing the guitar.
he - sing He´s singing. it - play It´s playing. he - do homework He´s doing homework. a monkey - jump A monkey is jumping. she - ride a horse She´s riding a horse.
a panda a bat a lion fish a grey cat a cat a dolphin a blue cat birds a bat fish a cat a hippo a bird Use the following adjectives to make sentences sit, drink, eat, dance, sleep, run, swim, sing, fly, walk, kiss
A panda is eating. A lion is running. A grey cat is walking. A dolphin is swimming. A blue cat is sleeping. Birds are dancing. A bat is flying. Fish are kissing. A cat is sittining. A hippo is drinking. A bird is singing. sit, drink, eat, dance, sleep, run, swim, sing, fly, walk, kiss
Make sentences I - drink You - eat He - play I´m not drinking cola, I´m drinking juice. You aren´t eating spaghetti, you´re eating pizza He isn´t playing the piano, he´s playing the guitare.
She´s singing. She´s not singing. She´s dancing. She´s writting. She´s not writting. She´s reading. He´s jumping. He isn´t jumping. He´s running. They are sleeping. They aren´t sleeping. They´re walking. Correct the sentences
Otázka převrácením slovosledu He is smoking. Is he smoking? They are standing. Are they standing? You are talking. Are you talking? The giraffe is eating. Is the giraffe eating? I´m riding a bike. Am I riding a bike?
No, he isn´t playing the piano. He´s playing the guitar. Is he playing the piano? No, he isn´t playing the piano. He´s playing the guitar. Is he studing? No, he isn´t studing. He´s sleeping. Is the bird flying? No, it isn´t flying. It´s walking. Is it snowing? It isn´t snowing. It ´s raining. answer and correct
Make questions and answer them the mouse - eat cheese Is the mouse eating cheese? No, it´s sitting. they - eat chicken Are they eating chicken? Yes, they are. you - drink coffee Are you drinking coffee? No, I´m drinking tea. they - do homework Are they doing homework?
Make questions and answers what - you - play / I - golf What are you playing? I´m playing golf. what - they - do / they - swim What are they doing? They´re swimming. who - play the trumpet/ Bill Who´s playing the trumpet? Bill is playing the trumpet.
present simple X pres. continuous usually now I play the piano I´m playing the guitar I ride a horse. I´m riding a crocodille. He plays football. He´s playing tennis. She drinks milk. She´s drinking cola.
Rebecca usually now travel by drink wear She usually travels by bus but now she´s travelling by plane. drink She usually drinks tea but now she´s drinking milk. wear She usually wears jeans but now she´s wearing dress. make sentences
Chris usually now ride play eat Chris usually rides a bike but now he´s riding a horse. play He usually plays hockey but now he´s playing football. eat He usually eats eggs but now he´s eating sausages
Barbie and Samie usually now play ski They usually play tennis but now they´re playing volleyball. ski They usually ski downhill but now they´re skiing cross country. study They usually study Biology but now they´re studing Geography.
Použité zdroje obrázků http://www.animationlibrary.com/ www.office.microsoft.com http://heathersanimations.com/