Once chapter 10 Date: Objectives Warm –up – reading journal Read Chapter Ten Examine the themes of Hiding Practise reading aloud. Warm –up – reading journal “Once I was living in a cellar in a Nazi city with seven other kids when I shouldn’t have been”. (p83) Write down this quote and a response.
Reading pages 83-89 7 pages – 7 readers Green card to person who reads best aloud before mid-term. Remember the tips Read forward – not down (aim your voice) Proper posture = open diaphragm Slow pace, pause at full stops and commas for breath. Relax, getting nervous affects your voice.
Reflection journal - Three tasks Write and answer the questions below. Write a 2-3 line summary of what is going on in the story. Write down any questions or thoughts you have about what just happened. . Use an example of Felix’s behaviour or self-talk to illustrate his unusual degree of maturity and self-awareness. Explain your reasoning. What story ‘saved his life’ and what connections has he finally made?
Cooldown Question What do you think of Felix? Is he someone you would like to be friends with?