American Romanticism 1800-1860 Highest knowledge comes from nature, inner experience, intuition, and imagination. Shun artificiality of civilization and educated sophistication in favor of unspoiled nature and youthful innocence
a priori “one prior”, “from the one before” Knowledge that works from generalizations or principals to particulars as opposed to knowledge that works from experience and observations to derive principals and laws. (a posteriori)
existing in the mind prior to and independent of experience A Priori (continued) existing in the mind prior to and independent of experience Derived by or designating the process of reasoning without reference to particular facts or experience.
A Priori (continued) EX. Nature is God’s greatest gift and, therefore, the best teacher to know God you have to know His creation, in which he exists Meditate on some object in nature to get in touch with knowledge that already exists within us. The principals of nature teach us experience.
Romanticism (continued) Values individuality Skeptical of progress, values wisdom of the past Allusions/historical references Myth, legend, and folklore Beauty in the exotic, supernatural Poetry as highest expression of imagination
American Romantic Hero Youthful innocence Sense of honor not based on society Intuitive understanding of people and life Loves nature, avoids town life Quest for higher truth in natural world
Transcendentalism Everything is a reflection of a Divine Soul (Emerson, parachute) The natural world is the doorway to the spiritual world Use intuition to commune with God in nature or self
Transcendentalism Self-Reliance, individualism, non-conformity Spontaneous feelings and intuition over reason (Thoreau’s “Whim”; ice cream cone example)
Kant’s Metaphysics Noumenon: The “thing-in-itself” an object or event independent of the senses; the essence and root of things which we can never perceive Phenomenon: That which we can perceive -- appearances
Dark Romantics Hawthorne, Poe, and Melville Agreed with the transcendental idea of intuition and natural world over reason Disagreed with optimism of Transcendentalists Emphasis on Puritan ideas of Original Sin, predestination, and finding symbols in everything Explored the conflicts between good and evil, the psychological effects of guilt and sin, and madness