5th Capitalization Meeting Communication Training Support to and Capitalization on the EU Land Governance Program in Africa 5th Capitalization Meeting 30 May – 01 June 2017 Communication Training
Outline ● Introduction ● Meaning of Communication in Strategy ● Theory of Change of Communication Strategy ● Internal Communication Strategy: Key Actors ● Process of Communication among Key Internal Actors ● Internal Actors’ Information Needs & Responsibilities ● Messaging ● Communication Products and Channels ● External Communication Strategy – Key Stakeholders ● Key External Stakeholders – Mandates & Information Needs ● Communication Functions & Engagements of Project ● Targeted Messages and Communication Products & Channels ● Conclusion
Introduction ■ Communication is given due attention in the project document when it fleshes out its effective outcomes, outputs and activities (particularly with outputs 1, 2, and 4). ■ Output one highlights that awareness of the convergence and synergy of VGGT and F&G is increased, as well as the integrated implementation of VGGT and F&G is also strengthened. ■ Output two stipulates support to capacity development on governance of tenure and land policies in Africa. ■ Output four outlines the provision of support to the In-country Projects, strengthening partnerships and exchanges.
Meaning of Communication in Strategy ■ Communication is defined as a process of exchanging information, aimed at mutual understanding between different stakeholders. ■ Communication is best viewed as a two-way process with “participation” and “dialogue” as crucial elements. ■ Communication is also central in influencing policy makers and legislators in their decision making processes on tenure issues.
Theory of Change of Communication Strategy GOAL: Sustain increased awareness and capacity development on VGGT and F&G, position the Project’s technical team and financial supporters in the spotlight, and support the integrated implementation of the VGGT and F&G in Tranche one and two countries as well as the whole of Africa. Long Term Goal: Visibility and Partnership Building Short Term Goal: Awareness, Engagement and Knowledge Exchange Strong partnership sustained between Project and funding agencies Various actors are engaged for effective Project implementation Visibility of financial supporters of Project upheld and improved Continued knowledge exchange of efforts of Project are espoused Visibility of impact of projects at three levels upheld and improved Stakeholders get tailored information on consolidated implementation of VGGT and F&G Integrated Communications Strategy guides communication and advocacy roles of Project
Internal Communication Strategy Key Actors ■ Project owners (national and local governments) ■ Project implementers (FAO, international and continental technical organizations, INGOs and consultants and in-country technical working groups) ■ Transversal and Pan-African/continental level Project coordinators ■ Funding partners ■ FAO HQ & LPI
Process of Communication among Key Internal Actors Transversal Project In-country Projects Funding Partners Pan-African Component of Project FAO HQ & LPI
Internal Actors’ Information Needs & Responsibilities 1 In-country Project Owners & Implementers Manage projects & undertake knowledge exchange activities Mechanisms of implementing the VGGT and F&G in an integrated manner 2 Transversal level Coordinators ▪ Provide and receive information to and from other actors ▪ Ensure visibility of donors Developments in integrated implementation of VGGT & F&G 3 Pan-African level Coordinators Scale up learning & lessons learnt across Africa & beyond Best practices & replicable models on consolidated implementation of VGGT & F&G 4 Funding Partners Avail finances & monitor implementation of in-country projects ▪ Progress of in-country projects ▪ Success stories, best practices, models, etc. 5 FAO HQ & LPI ▪ Provide standard tenure resources (i.e. VGGT & F&G materials) ▪ Technical assistance Want to access evidence generated
Messaging ■ Strategy has key (core), primary and targeted messages. ■ Key (core) messages brand the Project and are repeated in all channels. ■ Key and primary messages can be used for internal and external communications purposes ■ Targeted messages are designed for external communications reasons.
Core Messages ■ Responsible governance of tenure is central for the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. ■ The integrated implementation of the VGGT and F&G spurs agricultural growth, maximizes economic development, and ensures the sustainable use of the environment. ■ Secured rights of women to land is at the heart of the integrated implementation of the VGGT and F&G. ■ The EU and SDC are keen on the eradication of poverty and food insecurity in developing countries through the promotion of VGGT and F&G.
Communication Products and Channels ■ Events organization ■ Websites ■ Publications ■ Reports ■ Web-based knowledge management platform ■ E-mail communication ■ Skype and phone communication
External Communication Strategy Key Stakeholders - National & Local Level ■ Sectoral ministries, land agencies and institutions, and local government ■ Traditional authorities and customary institutions ■ Smallholder farmers, natural resource users, and urban dwellers ■ Civil society ■ Academia ■ Private sector ■ Media
External Communication Strategy Key Stakeholders - Regional Level ■ Regional economic communities (RECs) ■ Regional networks, such as • Pan-African Program on Land and Resource Rights (PAPLRR) • LandNet Africa
External Communication Strategy Key Stakeholders - Continental Level ■ African Union (NEPAD) ■ Economic Commission for Africa (LPI) ■ African Development Bank ■ Pan-African Parliament ■ Pan-African Farmers’ Organization ■ CSO Platform
External Communication Strategy Key Stakeholders - International Level ■ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ■ Committee on World Food Security ■ European Union and Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development ■ Media Outlets
Key External Stakeholders: Mandates & Information Needs 1 Sectoral Ministries & Others Drivers of land (tenure) policy development and implementation Responsible governance of tenure in the form of contextualized tenure guidelines, frameworks, etc. 2 Smallholder Farmers & Others Execute responsible governance of tenure processes Ideals of the responsible governance of tenure and successes of in-country projects 3 Civil Society Perform a liaison role The integrated implementation of the VGGT and F&G 4 Media Inform, explain and engage different audiences Thematic researches and success stories 5 Regional Economic Communities (RECs) Harmonize activities of Member States (of Africa), strengthen policy Developments on processes of land policy dialogues and results, the integrated implementation of the VGGT and F&G 6 African Union (NEPAD) Guarantee sustainable food security and ensure economic prosperity Trends of the integrated implementation of the VGGT and F&G 7 Economic Commission for Africa (LPI) Generate evidence on tenure issues Contributions of VGGT & F&G for realizing tenure security, etc.
Communication Functions & Engagements of Project
Targeted Messages and Communication Products & Channels Stakeholders Targeted Messages Communication Products Communication Channels Sectoral Ministries & Others We support and allocate budgets for land reform. Our laws support women land rights. We support community involvement in land decisions. Information factsheets, guides and manuals, training videos, e-learning products, easy to use research reports, contextualized capacity development tools Policy briefs, good practice factsheets, issue papers, posters, in-country project reports, and documentary videos Consultation meetings, validation workshops, steering committee meetings, training of trainers’ workshops, project review and planning meetings, e-mail communication Roundtable discussions, ministerial dialogues, expert group meetings, participation and presentation at national events, and learning forums
Targeted Messages and Communication Products & Channels Stakeholders Targeted Messages Communication Products Communication Channels Smallholder Farmers & Others We support women’s land rights for increased productivity. Supporting women’s land rights ensures food security. Land reforms for our improved livelihoods and better future. We support sustainable land use to protect the environment. Drawings, mini dramas in audio and video products, folk songs Cartoons, leaflets (For urban dwellers) Farmers’ associations, cultural networks and systems, community radio programs and dramas, consultation meetings, community theaters Participatory theater A form of theatre where the audience interacts with the performers or presenters
Communication Products Communication Channels Targeted Messages and Communication Products & Channels Stakeholders Targeted Messages Communication Products Communication Channels Civil Society We support transparency and accountability in land reform. Together, we achieve more. Our land use must protect the environment. Brochures, issue briefs, experience factsheets, easy to use research reports, policy briefs, multimedia products CSOs workshops and trainings, project review and planning meetings, CSOs platform, policy reform conferences, e-mail communication, documentary videos, learning forums, multi-stakeholder technical committee meetings
Communication Products Communication Channels Targeted Messages and Communication Products & Channels Stakeholders Targeted Messages Communication Products Communication Channels Media Land stories are about lives. Land stories are newsworthy. We report responsibly and sensitively on land. Press releases, media briefs, in-country project reports, issue briefs, easy to use research reports, policy briefs, good practice factsheets, learning guides, multimedia products Press conferences, media training workshops, project launch events, annual general meetings, learning tours and forums
Targeted Messages and Communication Products & Channels Stakeholders Targeted Messages Communication Products Communication Channels Regional Economic Communities (RECs) Support stakeholder dialogue on land governance for friendly policy formulation and implementation. Evidence-based and responsible land reforms central to achieve food security of African nations and the economic integration of sub-regions. Support platforms for integrated management of shared natural resources. Good practice factsheets, brochures, issue briefs, simplified research reports, guides and manuals, policy briefs, info-graphics, posters, multimedia web products UNECA/LPI and FAO tenure and policy experts, renowned politicians, centers of excellences, briefing meetings, capacity development seminars, regional and Pan-African consultation meetings, roundtable discussions, regional and continental learning workshops, regional networks (like SADC’s Regional Land Reform Technical Support Facility, Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel)
Communication Products Communication Channels Targeted Messages and Communication Products & Channels Stakeholders Targeted Messages Communication Products Communication Channels African Union (NEPAD) Land reforms are central to Africa’s development. Coordination is key in land reforms. Transparency on land reforms ensures success. Good land governance improves food security. Briefing papers, experience factsheets, policy briefs, simplified research reports, issue briefs, posters, blogs UNECA/LPI and FAO tenure and policy experts, participation at the joint conferences of ministers of agriculture, land and livestock, involvement in CAADP partnership platform meetings, conferences on land policy in Africa, regional and Pan-African consultation meetings, regional and Pan-African learning workshops, RECs, regional networks (like SADC’s Regional Land Reform Technical Support Facility, Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel)
Targeted Messages and Communication Products & Channels Stakeholders Targeted Messages Communication Products Communication Channels Economic Commission for Africa (LPI) The LPI supports land reforms to improve land governance. Land reforms are backbone of economic and social development of African countries. The equal access to land of men and women is achievable in our lifetime. Land reforms must prioritize women’s land rights. Good practice factsheets, policy briefs, research reports and journal articles, info-graphics, e-newsletters, blogs, multimedia web products, country reports, documentary videos Briefing meetings, project launch events, consultative meetings, roundtable discussions, capitalization meetings, expert group platforms, project review and planning avenues, involvement in CAADP partnership platform meetings, exchange visits, continental land conferences, share fairs, e-mail communication, social media
Conclusion ● Lessons and knowledge sharing activities of the Project must start from internal stakeholders and actors in the form of updates and messages. ● External communication engagements of the Project are continuous exchange of messages and updates among different actors in order to facilitate various functions of information exchange. ● The Communication Strategy is devised to positively contribute to the realization of goal and objectives of the Project, support knowledge exchange efforts of the latter among wider stakeholders, and enhance publicity and visibility of financial and technical supporters of the Project.