Please, have your child sort the 4 supplies up front. *Leave the rest of the supplies by his/her desk. *Complete the forms on your right and turn them in at the red table. We’ll start our presentation momentarily...
2nd Grade Orientation 2018 - 2019
Transportation Changes Orientation Agenda 2nd Grade Teachers Academics Reading Report Cards Academic Alerts Testing Differentiation Internet Policy Parent Tools PTA Attendance Transportation Changes Dojo / Seesaw Snacks / Lunch Field Trips Stay Connected!
Welcome to Second Grade! Mrs. Frankland Mrs. Hall Mrs. Jankowski Ms. Jefferies Miss Krug Mrs. Meeks Miss Thomas Mr. Torralba
Our Goals To facilitate students with successful academic and social skills needed in today’s society. To provide a supportive classroom environment. To encourage students to be actively engaged in learning.
Class Subjects The subjects we cover in second grade are: Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening Mathematics Science Social studies Integrated Technology Health
Reading Reading Logs: A monthly reading log will go home at the beginning of each month and will be due the last school day of the month. Check your child’s calendar for due dates. based on reading level from last year’s DRA/RI score (this will change every 9 weeks or once students take the County’s Reading Inventory).
Reading *RI, Guided Reading observations, and DRAs Reading Connection: This is a Reading Newsletter all parents will receive on a monthly basis. It will include Reading Tips on how you can help your child with a variety of reading skills. (online – hardcopy) What reading assessments do I use when assessing my students’ reading skills? *RI, Guided Reading observations, and DRAs
Report Cards Report Card Information for Parents is provided by the district through the Primary Reporting System found on under “Parents” Teachers will give 1, 2, 3 or 3+ based on the Georgia Performance Standards or Georgia Standards of Excellence which are also located on Cobb’s website.
Academic Alerts Report Cards Academic Alerts are distributed at the midpoint of each grading period for only those students who are experiencing some difficulty. Report cards are distributed every 9 weeks.
Testing We will NOT be taking any mandated national tests. SOME 2nd grade students will take the SLOs (Math & Reading). ALL 2nd grade students will take the RI 4 times this year. (at the end of each 9 weeks) AND Cobb County’s Common Assessments (Touchstones: Math & Reading) Students 3-5th will take the Georgia Milestones.
Differentiation ESOL students will be pull-out on a daily basis from to reinforce their Language Arts’ skills such Reading, Writing, Speaking, & Listening. Target/Gifted students’ Target Day will be on Tuesdays. Guided Math and Reading groups are implemented daily based on students’ abilities and interests in order to meet their academic needs.
Cobb Internet Policy We would like to share our learning at Baker, so we want to be able to take pictures of our students and post them on the Internet (school website, classroom blogs, any Internet associated with CCSD ONLY). Family Receipt
Parent Tools Under “Parents” in you can: *update your contact information *check the school’s lunch *pay your child’s account (lunch/Learning Commons) *check buses’ routes
PTA Membership Join PTA – shirt order forms went home today! We will have a successful year with your support. Only $5.00 to invest in your child’s school environment. Agendas, playground equipment, community building, family functions….
Attendance/Tardiness The school building opens at 7:15, early bell rings at 7:45 and late bell at 7:50. If you drop off your child after 7:50, they must check in at the front office before he/she walks to class. Cobb County Policy stipulates that parents are notified by certified mail from the school after 5 unexcused absences.
Transportation Changes Transportation changes need to be made in writing. Transportation changes will not be accepted by the office after 1:45pm. Transportation changes made by e-mail or fax are NOT permitted.
DOJO Let’s Log in and explore! Questions? What is DOJO? Free App Classroom Management Parent-Teacher Communicator Pictures, videos, updates Let’s Log in and explore! Questions?
Snacks Please be sure your child brings a healthy snack; our snack time is 9:25 and lunch is 12:06. Identifying Healthy snacks is a second grade standard. Please save chips, chocolate bars, cookies, snack cakes, gummies, honeybuns, donuts, etc. for Fridays! Thanks! *Schedule – will go home Monday.
Lunch Meal prices for students have changed from $2.15 to $2.35 for full-pay students and $3.75 for guests of any age. Breakfast prices have also changed. For full pay students, the price remains $1.50 and for reduced students, .30
Field Trips We will schedule a Performing Arts field trip (TBA) We will attend a field trip to the Cobb Fire Safety Village Aug. 13, 2018. (permission, waiver, HW-Mon.)
Parents To Do List Daily Folder: Sign daily……folders are checked randomly and students earn extra Dojo pts. if folder is signed. Choice Boards: CBs are optional, yet, my expectation is for all students to complete at least 3 activities on a weekly basis creating a Tic-Tac-Toe. Apps: Download Dojo, FlipGrid, Padlet, Toontastic, ChatterPix, and follow our class on Twitter!
Stay Connected! Class Blog Twitter @BakerElemBears @EmanuelTorralb4 Baker Website
Let’s Have a Great Year!