HR Innovative Elements: The Case of Slovakia
Context Lack of comprehensive reform strategy for PA modernization Civil Service Law adopted in 2001 under EU pressure Creation of Civil Service Office Rigid system based on Labor law 2003 amendment introduced innovative elements into recruitment and remuneration 2006 abolishment of Civil Service Office
Recruitment Reform: Introduction of ‘Fast stream’ system Objective: to attract qualified candidates for the civil service in top positions Method: a) pooled recruitment system; b) nominated civil service. Results: relatively few candidates attracted Problem: hybrid position-based and career-based system
Reform of the Remuneration System Objective: to introduce flexibility in the pay system and start merit based remuneration in order to motivate high calibre staff Method: Basic pay de-compression; Special personal bonuses funds for line ministries; Posts of ‘superior importance’; EU related posts.
Basic Pay Elements of Reform - elimination of seniority in classification of civil service - de-compression of the salary system by extending classes (from 9 to 11) Reality compression ratio 1:3 does not correspond to EU standard no much change in basic pay
Performance Bonuses Elements of Reform ‘performance based points system’ Opportunity for creation of ‘Bonus Funds’ by cutting back staff: example of Ministry of Finance Problems absence of HR strategies in line ministries, performance schemes, etc. leaves performance based points system in vacuum Ad hoc nature of Bonus Funds is not sustainable and systematic across ministries
Lessons Learned Innovative elements have potential (case of Ministry of Finance) BUT need systemic approach across ministries change management for overcoming obstacles and fine tuning Next Steps overall strategy for PA modernization, including HR and policy utilization of EU Structural funds