Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina FOREIGN TRADE STATISTICS OF BIH G. Fadil Fatić, Deputy Director Sarajevo, October 2018
Content Importance of BiH's foreign trade statistics, institutional framework and legal regulations Methodology Data sources and observation units The trading system Partner country Classifications Dissemination Data on trade of BiH Total, EU, CEFTA, individual countries The most important products of the foreign trade trade of BiH Sarajevo, October 2018
Importance of BiH's trade statistics, institutional framework and legal regulations Importance of foreign trade statistics of BiH Institutional framework - competencies of the Agency for Statistics of BiH and the Indirect Taxation Authority Legal regulations Sarajevo, October 2018
Methodology - Data sources and observation units Izvori podataka – Uprava za indirektno oporezivanje je jedini izvor podataka (jedinstvene carinske isprave tj. carinske deklaracije) Data sources - Indirect taxation authority is the only source of data (unique customs documents, i.e. customs declarations) Sarajevo, October 2018
Methodology - Trading system When processing data, three sytems can be used: General trade system Special trade system (extended definition) Special trade system The data in Agency for Statistics of BiH are processed according to the special trade system (extended definition), according to Eurostat's recommendation Sarajevo, October 2018
Methodology - Partner country The partner country on the import side is the country of origin of goods The partner country on the export side is the country of the final destination of the goods Sarajevo, October 2018
Methodology-Classifications Customs Tariff in Bosnia and Herzegovina (a basic classification that is harmonized with the international classifications of the Harmonized System and the Combined Nomenclature) Other classifications used in BiH trade statistics abroad are as follows: SMTK - Standard International Trade Classification, KDBiH - Classification of BiH activities (in line with NACE classification), KPDBiH - Classification of products by activity (harmonized with CPA classification), MIG - Main industrial classifications. Sarajevo, October 2018
Methodology - Dissemination Agency for Statistics of BiH publishes data on the statistics for foreign trade of BiH by monthly announcements, annual thematic bulletin and publication "BiH in numbers„ ( Only aggregated data are published according to the afore mentioned classifications, while more detailed data is submitted to certain domestic and international organizations and institutions, as well as legal and natural persons upon request. Sarajevo, October 2018
Total trade of BiH 2010 – I-VIII 2018 Sarajevo, October 2018
Export, import and participation in major regional groups, 2014 – I-VIII 2018 Sarajevo, October 2018
Trade in BiH with the most important partner countries, 2014 – I-VIII 2018 Sarajevo, October 2018
Participation in major trading partners for the period I-VIII 2018 (in %) Sarajevo, October 2018
Exports and imports according to partner countries and sections of SMTK classification, I-VIII 2018. Sarajevo, October 2018
Top 10 products of foreign trade commodity exchange in BiH for the period I-VIII 2018 Sarajevo, October 2018
Thank you for your attention! Sarajevo, October 2018