M = m MB (Money Supply = multiplier x Monetary Base, Money Multiplier M = m MB (Money Supply = multiplier x Monetary Base, where MB = Currency + Reserves) Deriving Money Multiplier R = RR + ER , (Reserves = Req. Res. + Excess Res.) RR = r D, (Req. Res. = reserve ratio x Deposits) R = (r D) + ER Adding C to both sides e=ER/D, c = C/D, assuming proportionality of ER & C vs. D R + C = MB = (r D) + ER + C 1. Tells us amount of MB needed support D, ER and C 2. $1 of MB in ER, not support D or C MB = (r D) + (e D) + (c D) = (r + e + c) D
1 D = MB r + e + c M = D + (c D ) = (1 + c) D 1 + c M = MB m = m < 1/r because no multiple expansion for currency and because as D ER Changes dm/dc, dm/de, dm/dr? Full Model M = m (MBn + DL), where MBn is non-borrowed MB and DL are discount loans
Excess Reserves Ratio Determinants of e 1. i , relative Re on ER (opportunity cost ), e 2. Expected deposit outflows, ER insurance worth more, e
Factors Determining Money Supply
Money Supply
Determinants of the Money Supply
Deposits at Failed Banks: 1929–33
e, c: 1929–33
Money Supply and Monetary Base: 1929–33