Theorists What does that mean???
ERIC ERICKSON Studied EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Created a theory called Eight Stages of Man
STAGE ONE-TRUST VS. MISTRUST Infancy stage (0-18 months) How do you build trust with a infant? FEEDING BONDING CARE CONSISTENCY What if a child doesn’t develop trust? They will develop mistrust which could cause future anxiety, insecurities, and fear
STAGE TWO-AUTONOMY VS. SHAME AND DOUBT Toddler stage (18 months-3 years) What does autonomy mean? Making decision on their own It is important to find a balance at this stage in letting children make choices but not letting them get themselves in trouble What happens if children don’t have power to make their own decisions? Become overly dependent Lack self-esteem Doubt their abilities Rebel
STAGE THREE-INITIATIVE VS. GUILT Preschool Stage (3-5 years) What is initiative? Doing things on your own. Ex: plan activities, make up games, ask questions What if a parent blocks a child’s initiative? Ex: Parent tells child to stop asking questions. Child will feel of no purpose Can make child slow to interact with others Block a child's creativity
Activity!!!!! At the end of this activity you need to tell my how it falls into each of these stages In a group of 5 people, everyone needs to be blindfolded except for one. You will all have your arms on each others shoulders. Your goal is to take an object and put it in the basket. No talking only communicating through movement. The person on the back will guide the group by tapping an arm, leg, or pulling back to stop. Once you accomplished that, have the person on the front move to the back.