Lord of the Flies Trials – 8th Period The state v. Jack Merridew for the murder of “Piggy”
Prosecution – Opening Statement Central Argument:
Defense – Opening Statement Central Argument:
Prosecution – Character Evidence Exhibit A: “…” (21). Exhibit B: “…” (152).
Defense – Character Evidence Exhibit A: “…” (21). Exhibit B: “…” (152).
Prosecution – Evidence Exhibit 1: “...” ().
Prosecution – Evidence Exhibit 2: “…” ().
Prosecution – Evidence Exhibit 3: “…” ().
Prosecution – Evidence Exhibit 4: “…” ().
Prosecution – Evidence Exhibit 5: “…” ().
Defense – Evidence Exhibit 1: “...” ().
Defense – Evidence Exhibit 2: “…” ().
Defense – Evidence Exhibit 3: “…” ().
Defense – Evidence Exhibit 4: “…” ().
Defense – Evidence Exhibit 5: “…” ().
Prosecution – Closing [Use this space to type portions of the law you wish to emphasize for the jury. Do not type anything but the law itself.]
Defense – Closing [Use this space to type portions of the law you wish to emphasize for the jury. Do not type anything but the law itself.]