Golding’s Lord of the Flies Vocabulary in context
Chapter 1 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Efflorescence (12, P4) Enmity (14, P17) Decorous (15, P14) Chorister (22, P6) Bastion (29, P2) Hiatus (31, P1) Bloom, flourish Hostility, animosity Proper, seemly Musician, singer Bulwark, fortification Interval, gap
Chapter 2 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Ebullience (38, P-last) Recrimination (43, P13) Tumult (43, P-last) Tirade (45, P16) Excitement, enthusiasm Accusation, reproach Disorder, turbulence Sermon, outpouring
Chapter 3 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Oppressive (49, P1) Inscrutable (49, P2) Vicissitudes (49, P3) Declivities (54, P6) Tacit (55, P10) Severe, abusive Incomprehensible, unfathomable Fortunes, fates Grades, slopes Implied, understood
Chapter 4 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Blatant (58, P2) Mirage (58, P2) Taboo (62, P2) Sinewy (64, P-top) Malevolently (71, P-last) Offensive, very obvious An unreal reflection, optical illusion Forbidden, banned by religion or custom Strong In a mean or spiteful manner
Chapter 5 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Ludicrous (78, P4) Ineffectual (79, P4) Jeer (84, P11) Indigo (88, P4) Inarticulate (89, P17) Theorem (92, P7) Appalled (93, P9) Ridiculous, absurd Not producing any or the desired effect To mock, to scorn A deep blue-violet dye Lacking the ability to express oneself in speech A principal, a theoretical proposition To fill with horror or dismay
Chapter 6 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Leviathan (105, P11) Clamor (108, P8) Mutinously (108, P26) A very large animal, monstrous A loud steady noise, an outcry Unruly, rebellious, insurgent
Chapter 7 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Accessible (110) Loiter (112) Crestfallen (117) Impervious (121) Enterprise (122) Approachable Linger idly Dejected Resistant Business venture, a bold undertaking
Chapter 8 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Glowered (127) Rebuke (128) Demure (133) Fervor (133) Sensuously (134) Scowl Reprimand Sedate Earnestness carnal
Chapter 9 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Static (145) Buffet (146) Corpulent (146) Sauntered (150) Cascading (153) Fixed To hit, beaten Very fat, obese Stroll Waterfall
Chapter 10 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Authority (160) Ambushed (165) Compelled (167) One in charge Surprise attack Coerced; obliged
Chapter 11.1 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Luminous (169) Myopia (169) Sniveling (170) Liberation (172) Quavered (174) Giving out light Nearsightedness Whimpering; whining Freedom Shook
Chapter 11.2 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Wary (177) Faltered (177) Parried (179) Talisman (180) Careful; watchful Hesitate Turned aside Token or symbol
Chapter 12 ViC Word Your definition Dictionary definition Vegetation (185) Acrid (186) Cordon (191) Elephantine (194) Epaulettes (200) Plants and other growth Sharp; pungent Line Like an elephant Shoulder badges