The Senate Chapter 5 Section 3
Section 4 Congressional Committees Read Aloud 141-143 Warm-up. Write down 2 meaningful answers for each question. 1. Go to or go to page 143 look up the committees ]. Standing, sub, joint and select committees. (write down 3) 2.Go to find your CA House representative (Who is he/she) what are 2 things he/she working on/doing? 3. Go to find your 2 Senators (who are they) what are 2 things they working on/ doing?
Name: Date: Nov 1, 2017 The Senate Ch. 5 Sec 3 Define 3 Key Terms 1) 2) 3)
Warm up Discuss 3 facts you have learned about “the United States Senate” And what do you know about our California Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein.
“Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed.” - Benjamin Franklin
History: The Roman Senate
The Senate at Work A. More Informal Atmosphere 1. The Senate has fewer rules than the House of Representatives 2. There can be Unlimited Debate on proposed bills
B. Senate Leaders 1. The Senate also has a Majority Leader and Minority Leader, but doesn’t have a Speaker 2. The Vice President presides over the senate, but can only vote to break a tie.
3. Senate Presidents usually have little C. The Vice President 1. President of the Senate 2. Cannot take part in Senate debates 3. Senate Presidents usually have little time to preside over the Senate Vice President Mike Pence
D. Majority and Minority Floor Leaders 1. Most Important Officers in Senate. 2. Elected by members of their party 3. Steer the party’s bill through senate.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid A Democrat from Nevada
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell A Republican from Kentucky
E. How Senate Bills are Scheduled 1. Any Senate member can introduce a bill. 2. More informal than the House because it is smaller (100). 3. Senate Leaders control the flow of bills to committees to the floor. 4. Senate brings bills to the floor by unanimous consent.
F. The Filibuster 1. Unlimited debate on a bill 2. Filibuster: to keep talking until a majority of the Senate either abandons the bill or agrees to modify it.
(this is a difficult to do though—needs 3/5ths of Senate) Filibuster: Senator Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) set the record as a Democrat (later changed to a Republican). Spoke against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 for 24 hours and 18 minutes. Senate can vote to stop a filibuster with a 3/5th vote for cloture. Cloture: Procedure that limits each Senator to speak only 1 hour on a bill under debate (this is a difficult to do though—needs 3/5ths of Senate)
In Class/Homework Questions: Pg. 140: #1 #4 #5 Go to Look up CA Senators Kamela Harris and Diane Feinstein. Write down 5 bills/legislation and/or committees she has or is working on.