Landforms/Landscapes With Artful Thinking PERCEIVE Imagine you are the landform. Step inside the role of the valley, mountain etc.. What does the landform perceive? KNOW What might it know about or believe? CARE ABOUT What might it care about?
Eruption of Paracutín Dr. Atl (Mexico) 1943
River Bluffs, 1320 Miles Above St. Louis 1832 George Catlin
Bierstadt: Mount Whitney
Hogue, Alexandre. Dustbowl 1933
Benton: Trail Riders
Bierstadt: Looking down Yosemite Valley
Georgia Okeefe
Raymond J. Eastwood, "High Plains -- Range Land," oil on linen, 1950 (Mark and Carol Moseman Collection)
Remington: Bison at Ship Rock
Benton: Train on Desert
Hiroshige: Shrines in Snowy Mountains