Abstract The Infrarat is an autonomous toy car that will use proximity sensors and a pivoting array of Infrared sensors for tracking a body and to avoid running into objects. It will also wirelessly interface with an Android device to receive commands and send out a temperature gradient encoding. This stream of data will be transmitted from the IR array sensors to the device, where the data is rearranged and visualized. It will be used in three modes which are follow, run away, and manual control.
Block Diagram
Peripherals 5 I2C busses in master mode 3 PWM modules Need 3 GPIO for bus expander 3 PWM modules 2 for the car motors 1 for the servo Need 2 GPIO for motor controller 1 UART bus for Bluetooth in master mode 2 Timers for ultrasonic sensors in input capture mode 1 external interrupt for fuel gauge
Time Considerations Fast enough to decrease decision time Mostly interrupt driven I2C and UART are interrupt driven Low latency between Android and car
Memory Considerations 64 KB RAM Program and sensor data need to fit on RAM for fast processing Limit flash access to prevent wasted cycles
Software Hierarchy
Status Android Application mostly done Started code for initializations To do Data processing Data fetching Bluetooth interface