Johnny Reker and Trine Christiansen


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Presentation transcript:

Johnny Reker and Trine Christiansen Defining MSFD marine regions, sub-regions and sub-divisions – identification of specific geographic boundaries Johnny Reker and Trine Christiansen

Provisions for sub-regions in the MSFD MSFD provides a definition of marine waters It does not provide any specific geographic boundaries or coordinates delimiting boundaries between marine regions nor their sub-regions. Member States sharing a marine region or sub-region are to decide upon the exact boundaries between the marine regions and their sub-regions

EEA has started early

Can be combined with a catchment model Regional seas Sub-regional seas

EEZ boundaries are needed To delineate boundaries for the MSFD the EEZ boundaries are needed. EC has developed EEZ layer in collaboration with VLIZ but it needs verification by Member States.

Grids EEA can provide a grid of 1, 5, 10 and 20 km covering each of the marine regions and subregions. The grids are compliant with the land-based grids prepared for INSPIRE which are already available at the EEA web-site. It is based upon the same guidance as established for Directive 2000/60/EC (the Water Framework Directive).

WG DIKE is invited to: Discuss and/or present specific boundaries (and their positions) for marine regions and sub-regions within their EEZ with the purpose of taking the first step towards delimiting each of the marine regions and sub-regions. Present any current considerations or efforts on further national or shared subdivisions of the marine regions and sub-regions. Present any outstanding issues on the delimitation of the extent of the EEZ and discuss potential solutions for addressing such issues in regard to the implementation of the Directive.