2nd Meditation: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43)
3 Ironic Taunts v35: Rulers taunt Jesus v37: Soldiers taunt Jesus v39: Criminal taunt Jesus
Jesus A man experiencing hell but promising others heaven!
Jesus Deceitful. He is a liar. Deluded. He is a lunatic. Direct Jesus Deceitful? He is a liar. Deluded? He is a lunatic. Direct? He is Lord!
Jesus & Us Sinners can always approach Jesus and will always find forgiveness
Our Reality Paradox God turns Good Friday into Easter Sunday Our Reality Paradox God turns Good Friday into Easter Sunday. He wins by losing. = Reality is not what it seems
Our Pain Paradox “God is revealed most where he is hidden most” = Why God chooses to work through our suffering
Our Ministry Paradox In Christian ministry, nothing is more powerful than weakness