Children’s and Adolescent’s Literature Fire From the Rock Sharon M. Draper is a professional educator as well as an accomplished writer. She has been honored as the National Teacher of the Year, is a five-time winner of the Coretta Scott King Literary Award, and is a New York Times bestselling author. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Julie Budney Children’s and Adolescent’s Literature
Fire From the Rock – Novel Study Focus Question: Integration and segregation – How does it affect you? (Text Critic) Students will learn about the Civil Right movement through the historical fiction book “Fire From the Rock”. Students will be provided with multiple opportunities to discuss, compare, and analyze a variety of resources. Students will demonstrate their understanding by answering the focus question and providing evidence to support their thinking.
Before Reading Book Trailer: Analyze Title: Students will make predictions about the book by analyzing the title and the cover of the book. Students needing support can view the “Book Cover Guide” (Making Meaning) from Word Sort: Choose several words from the story that you think could be difficult for students or will give students an idea of what the story is about. Then ask students to sort the words into any categories they like. This will be done in small groups. (code breaker)
Before Reading KWL chart: Students will work in pairs using the KWL creator for Students brainstorm what they already know about integration and segregation in the Know column. Then they brainstorm what they want to learn about integration and segregation in the Want column. After we have read “Fire From the Rock” and discuss the book, fill out the What column. (Meaning Maker)
During Reading Vocabulary: Students will work in small groups to identify focus words throughout the reading and develop a Wordle to demonstrate their thinking. Each group will share their Wordle. (Making Meaning) They will use Quizlet to learn vocabulary from “Fire From the Rock. Students will complete all components of the Quizlet throughout the book. The components include: Flash Cards, Learn, Speller, and Test. (Code Breaker) Students will complete the “Rate My Knowledge” sheet for each word. Integrity Civil Rights Racism Abolitionist Advocate Segregation Bias Laborer Injustice Discrimination Emancipation Prejudice Heritage Oppression
During Reading Characterization Questions: After reading through page 15 students will answer the following questions about Mr. Crandall’s character. (Text Critic) Comprehension: Students will complete comprehensions questions throughout the story. Questions.
During Reading Constructed Response: Students will compose a constructed response in which they will address the following two questions using specific textual evidence. Students should also consider the 3 quotes from the text listed below to help them formulate their analysis. Students will Submit their response on (Join code: j9acgv5). Constructed Response.docx (Text User) Audio book: Struggling readers will be provided with the audio book. (Code Breaker) Timeline: Students will develop a timeline of events as the read the book. By the end of the book they will have a completed timeline. Students will chose how to make their timeline. One option is the time line creator. (Text User)
After Reading Show video Clip of the Little Rock Nine: Possible Outcomes Show video Clip of the Little Rock Nine: Political Cartoon Analysis: Students will analyze the following four political cartoons. Students should analyze the central message of the four cartoons how they are connected to “Fire From the Rock”. Students will share their opinions about the themes and connections they have made. Students will share their analysis on a Google Doc. Cartoons (Text User) Compare/Contrast: Students will read the following articles. Each student will choose an article and develop a Venn Diagram to demonstrate the similarities and difference between the article and the book. (Text User) Civil Rights Little Rock Nine Little Rock Nine
After Reading Possible Outcomes Prejudice today: Each student is to find an article from the internet, newspaper or magazine with an account of some act of discrimination today. (Text Critic) Memorabilia bag: Identify specific objects, people or places within the story and explain there importance. Use padlet or prezi to develop a presentation. Newspaper Article: Students will write a newspaper article to demonstrate what they have learned. They will choose one of the following: (Text User) You are a reporter at one of the scenes. Write a story for you paper. The destruction of Zucker's and Miss Lillie's store. Reggie's attack by the three boys. Donna Jean's attack by the dog. A day at Central High School. For a white student. For a black student. Imagine you are a reporter doing a story on one of their lives. Write everything you know, as well as whatever you can infer about the character in order to write your article. Include how these people might influence Sylvia and her decisions. Rachel Zucker Candy Castle Donna Jean Patterson Ethel Washington Lou Ann Johnson Johnny Crandall Calvin Cobbs Miss Lillie Cobbs
Resources Rate Your Knowledge sheet – Teacher Pays Teacher Comprehension Questions – Study guide: (several activity ideas)