Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs Dong Guo, Yuan Cheng, Shaojie Zhuo, Terence Sim. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), San Francisco, 2010
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs Problems with overexposed areas Pixels receiving “too much” irradiance record almost white colors Color information is distorted (desaturated) Information is lost
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs Main Contribution Works with one single image Does not require user interaction
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs General Workflow Create a map of overexposed pixels Compress the dynamic-range in well-exposed areas Recover the lightness Correct the color
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs General Workflow Create a map of overexposed pixels
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs General Workflow 2. Compress the dynamic-range in well-exposed areas Analogue to Fattal’s method (2002) One among many other Tone Mapping methods
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs General Workflow 3. Recover the lightness E1: Compress the dynamic range (Fattal’s method) E2: Retain luminance in overexposed areas Constraint: keep very low light areas unchanged.
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs General Workflow 4. Correct the color \Psi: Color confidence = 1 - M First term: extract color from neighbors in overexposed areas (=> propagation from good pixels) Second term: keep the same color in well exposed areas
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs Results
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs Interesting references:
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs Interesting references: ANAT LEVIN’s work: A. Levin D. Lischinski and Y. Weiss. A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image Matting. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Feb 2008 Powerful technique already used for: Alpha Matting, White Balance, Ghost Removal, Tone Mapping, Haze Removal Not directly cited in the paper
Correcting Over-Exposure in Photographs Interesting references: High Dynamic Range Imaging: Acquisition, Display, and Image-Based Lighting (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics) Not directly cited in the paper