Anomalous Data Spot the anomaly
Definition Anomalous data is inconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected.
Count on ratemeter (counts per minute) Spot the anomaly Thickness of lead (cm) Count on ratemeter (counts per minute) 1 2 3 450 445 451 232 234 241 112 90 111 61 60 58 4 31 32 35
Count on ratemeter (counts per minute) Spot the anomaly Thickness of lead (cm) Count on ratemeter (counts per minute) 1 2 3 450 445 451 232 234 241 112 90 111 61 60 58 4 31 32 35
Time for UV bead to change colour (seconds) Spot the anomalies Sun protection factor Time for UV bead to change colour (seconds) 1 2 3 30 29 5 125 119 121 10 245 240 246 15 333 309 329 20 444 439 472
Time for UV bead to change colour (seconds) Spot the anomalies Sun protection factor Time for UV bead to change colour (seconds) 1 2 3 30 29 5 125 119 121 10 245 240 246 15 333 309 329 20 444 439 472
Height from which marble dropped (cm) Spot the anomalies Height from which marble dropped (cm) Crater width (mm) 1 2 3 10 12 11 20 16 21 22 30 32 33 31 40 34 41 50 51 59 52
Height from which marble dropped (cm) Spot the anomalies Height from which marble dropped (cm) Crater width (mm) 1 2 3 10 12 11 20 16 21 22 30 32 33 31 40 34 41 50 51 59 52