I Peter Lesson 11
Review Purpose: Stand firm in the true grace of God Chapter 1 Prepare your minds for action: Be holy Chapter 2 Grow in your salvation through the Word, keep your behavior excellent Chapter 3 Live humbly, without fear Chapter 4 Entrust your soul to your Faithful Creator as you suffer. Glorify God
I Peter 4 The End: telos – the principal end, aim, purpose, consummation “closure with all its results”. Termination, final lot, ultimate fate I Pet. 4:7 In context, the last times seem to be from Christ’s first appearing through His second one. I Pet. 1:5 …for a salvation ready to be revealed in “the last times” I Pet. 1:20 Jesus appeared “in these last times” for the sake of you 2 Pet. 3:3 Mockers will come “in the last days”
Cross References Heb. 1:1-2 God spoke in His Son “in these last days” I John 2:18 many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is “the last hour” Acts 2: 16-21 Joel is quoted: I will pour forth My Spirit on all mankind “in the last days” I Cor. 15:22-24 then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father Dan. 12:9-13 these words are concealed and sealed up until the “end of time”
Instructions I Pet. 4:7 Be of sound judgment/self controlled I Pet. 4:7 Be sober in spirit (1:13; 5:8) I Pet. 4:7 For the sake/purpose of prayer I Pet. 4:8 Above all, love one another ( now possible because of sound judgment and soberness) I Pet. 4:9 Be hospitable, without complaining I Pet. 4:10-11 Use your spiritual gifts for the body Serving: by His strength Speaking: as one speaking God’s utterances Result: God is glorified
I Peter 4:12-19 Instructions about trials/testing I Pet. 4:12 Don’t be surprised! It’s not strange I Pet. 4:13 Keep on rejoicing. You are sharing in Christ’s suffering! I Pet. 4:14 Our response to suffering is evidence of Holy Spirit within I Pet. 4:16 Don’t be ashamed to suffer AS A CHRISTIAN; we can glorify God I Pet. 4:17 Judgment begins with the house of God I Pet. 4:19 Suffering is part of the will of God
Cross References Matt. 5:10-12 You are blessed, so rejoice! James 1:2-4, 12 Believers will be glorified with Christ AFTER suffering with Him Rom. 8:16-18 The suffering here is nothing compared to the glory there! 2 Tim. 3:12 All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted I Pet. 1:7 Proof of our faith results in praise, glory and honor when Jesus is revealed I Pet. 2:23 Keep entrusting yourself to Him who judges righteously I Pet. 4:19 Entrust your soul to our Faithful Creator
I Peter 5 “Therefore”…… Peter: Fellow elder Witness of Christ’s sufferings Partaker of the glory to be revealed BECAUSE he shared in the suffering I Pet. 5:2 Shepherd the flock of God Voluntarily NOT under compulsion Eagerly NOT for sordid gain Be an example NOT by lording it over them Why: God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble and you’ll receive a crown of glory
I Peter 5 I Pet. 5:5 Young men are to be subject to elders I Pet. 5:5 ALL are to be clothed in humility I Pet. 5:8 Be sober and alert (1:13; 4:7) I Pet. 5:9 Resist your adversary, stand firm in the faith (4:12 don’t be surprised!) I Pet. 5:10 AFTER you have suffered, God will perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you because HE called you to His eternal glory Why? Because the dominion, and the glory belong to Him forever and ever (4:11; 5:11) I Pet. 5:12 THIS is how you stand firm in the true grace of God