Introduction to World Religions


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to World Religions -Mainstream Monotheism-

Let’s Warm Up Our Brains How does religion shape the way we look at ourselves? The world? Others?

Judaism Who: The Israelites (Hebrews) What: Monotheistic belief in God God was: All knowing All powerful Creator (history and faith interconnected)

Religious Text The Torah The Law

First 5 Books of the Hebrew Bible What is the Torah? First 5 Books of the Hebrew Bible Genesis – The Beginning Exodus – The Names Leviticus – He Called Numbers – In the wilderness Deuteronomy – The Words

Abraham Father of the Israelites from Ur (Mesopotamia)  migrated to Canaan (Palestine) Covenant between he and God becomes focal point of religion *You are probably wondering what a covenant is…don’t worry. I will tell you now.*

This is Canaan

Genesis 17:4-8 “You shall be the father of a multitude of nations…I will make nations of you, and kings shall come forth from you. And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant…”

What was the covenant? Two things: God and Abraham would be buddies forever  “chosen people” God promised that Canaan (Palestine) would be theirs  The “promise land”

Moses and the covenant

Kingdom of Israel Established 1000 B.C. 12 Tribes David (2nd King) united tribes: 1 nation Solomon (son of David) establishes Jerusalem

King David

King Solomon

Israel Conquered Kingdom splits into Israel (north) and Judah (south) Syria conquers Israel (722 B.C.) Babylon captures Judah (586 B.C.) and they are exiled to Babylon Cyrus of Persia frees Israelites (539 B.C.)  Known as Jews because they are from Judah

Important Stuff Stress a religious code of ethics (moral standards) Honor the Sabbath (a day of rest and worship) Diaspora: spreading of the Jewish people to other regions of the world

Influence On Other Religions Jews, Christians, and Muslims all recognize Abraham, Moses, and the prophets All of them teach the ethical worldview developed by Israelites Although Judaism influences both Christianity and Islam, it is important to pay attention the subtle differences in beliefs that develop within the both Christianity and Islam that differentiate them from Judaism.

The Patriarchs Abraham  Sarah was wife Isaac (son of Abraham)  Rebekah was wife Jacob (son of Isaac)  Leah and Rachel were wives Patriarch: male head of a family or a tribe