Grant Schultz (CTO), Luna Martin (CFO), Zach Eitzen (CEO)
Company Background The year was 2011 World Motocross Competition Major accident Epiphany with God. I retired one year later and started company Grant had worked as a mechanic. Luna had graduated as a graphic designer.
Employee Positions CEO – Zach CTO – Grant CFO – Luna
Company and Products We focus on custom parts and customizations We have both online and storefront Online provides part ordering and personal design Storefront provides part and customization installation.
Customers We have 3 main customer groups Dirt bike enthusiasts Professional racers Dirt bike showman
Customers Online: Attracts all three More to professionals and showmen Storefront: Attracts all three More to Enthusiasts and Professionals
Marketing Strategy Online Search Engine Classifieds: Company Partners
Marketing Strategy Storefront Article & Magazine Marketing Trade Show Marketing Market Niche Focus
E-Commerce Revenue Models Sales Revenue Model Affiliate Revenue Model
CRM Chose CRM Model Used Microsoft Dynamics software We will use for Tracking customer data Application monitoring and maintenance Rewards program Product Recommendation
Company Website
Web 2.0 Atendy GRID Interlude Myoats
Conclusion Custom parts and customization Work with other companies Focus on lowering prices & supplying the best products We service a specific customer base
References Atendy. (no date) Atendy. Binary Thumb. (no date) GRID A Simply Remarkable Spreadsheet. Retrieved from Interlude. (2012) Interlude Personalized Interactive Video Experience. Myoats. (2012) Myoats beta.