A theology of Marxism
Core Concepts Marxism is clear about it’s theological position—atheism. Religion is seen as a hindrance and a curse to their outlook and goals in life. To them, religion is poison or drug that must be banned. Marxism is about empowering the working class to rise up, but religion only keeps them drunk and intoxicated to seeing the reality that is. .
Core Concepts God (and religion) is merely a way for man to explain what he is unable to explain. Now that science has developed, we have science . God was merely a projection of human thought. Human then is left to be the highest being thus “god” Karl Marx along with Friedrich Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto, which outlined their ideas and how society should be working.
Side Note: Liberation Theology Liberation Theology is a type of theology that mainly started in Latin America during the 1950’s and 1960’s. By 1971, the term “Liberation Theology” was used for the movement. This theology had its start in the Catholic church. It is a theology that focuses on the poor and oppressed and the need for social justice in the world. Poverty and oppression exist because of unjust social structures. Often, it is has been called “Christian Marxism” because many of the solutions, terminology, and issues discussed are similar to Marxism. Liberation Theology has also branched out into other forms of liberation-such as racial (Black Liberation- Martin Luther King Jr. Or Women’s Liberation Theology)