The World’s Most Awkward Roller Coaster: The Pipethon By: Travis Estes Mike Grigalus Brett Moll Andrew Riley
The Pipethon Team
Introduction The goal of this project is to make a roller coaster which lasts close to 15 seconds The PVC pipe, PVC adapters, and duct tape were purchased for under $20. Other materials including the small cut PVC pipe and marble were free.
Prepare yourself for… THE PIPETHON!
Potential Energy (Original) = Kenetic Energy (Final) + Energy Loss Calculations Potential Energy (Original) = Kenetic Energy (Final) + Energy Loss mgh = (1/2)mv^2 + Eloss
Conclusion The PVC was much harder to work with than we initially imagined. We were able to keep our initial design for the base while adding additions to the top. Our construction was complete after just over four hours.