Testes (testis-singular) Also called testicles they are two small glands attached to the penis that produce sperm. They secrete testosterone.
Sperm The male reproductive cells. Males begin to produce when they reach puberty, at around 12-15 years of age. Capable of producing for remainder of life.
Testosterone The male sex hormone. Initiates physical changes, such as body and facial hair, deepening of voice, muscle development, etc. Controls the production of sperm.
Scrotum An external skin sac that extends outside the body and contain the testes. Helps regulate the temperature of sperm.
Epididymis The tubes in each testis join the epididymis, a larger coiled tube where sperm mature and are stored. Sit atop the testicle.
Vas Deferens Tubes that extend from each epididymis to the urethra.
Seminal Vesicle As sperm move through the vas deferens, they are combined with a nourishing fluid produced by the seminal vesicle.
Bladder A hollow, muscular organ that acts as a reservoir for urine.
Urethra The tube that leads from the bladder to the outside of the body. Urination and ejaculation happen through urethra.
Prostate Gland Gland that surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder. Secretes an enzyme that helps sperms motion. Closes off during sexual arousal.
Cowper's Gland Two small glands on either side of urethra. Secretes fluid which is protein-rich to prolong the life of sperm.
Semen A thick fluid containing sperm and other secretions from the male reproductive system.
Penis A tube-shaped organ that extends from the trunk of the body just above the testes. Male sex organ.
Sterility Not producing or incapable of producing offspring. Can be caused by sperm production problems (90%), blockage of sperm transport, sexual problems, hormonal problems, and medical conditions.