Angular resolution: Critical for source morphology Typical TeV beam size Chandra SN 1006 Angular resolution: Critical for source morphology J. Hiraga ASCA/Chandra RXJ 1713
Angular resolution limit perp. to B E-1/2
Angular resolution how many photons are needed? limited by photon stat. 100 GeV limited by shower fluct. 1 TeV Relative to PMT efficiency
Resolution required for photon parameters adding NSB: modest effect Photon direction Photon position 1 TeV 1 TeV 10 m dish 20 m dish H.E.S.S.
Background rejection: Protons Scatter of (true) emission points 1 TeV g 2 TeV p sx [m] sy [m] sy [m] sx [m] 100 GeV g 200 GeV p Rejection: ~ 10-2 Rejection: few 10-4 similar rejection obtained from fit (but low statistics)
Electron background Try to track primary electron: Simulations: 1 TeV count all photons approaching reconstructed shower axis within 10 m above h=17 km Simulations: 1 TeV ephoton = 1% with NSB g e e ~ 30% preliminary