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Rollin’ Across Utah! Scoring Guide Sphero Challenge. Each team’s overall score Scored Activities: Course Completion Challenge (50 points) The scoring of this challenge are as follows: College and Career Awareness teams will want to set up their programs and practice and get ready for the competition. Competitive teams can use one practice session to run the actual course and make final adjustments. Teams will have 5 minutes. The competition will be scored based on the scoring sheet on slide 4. At the conclusion of the events, the judge will tally the scores from all the teams and announce the final scores and places of the winning teams
Course Challenge Activity: Course Challenge Process Leading up to the competition, teams will create their own programs to compete with. To begin, each team will place the Sphero 2.0 on the designated starting location. While waiting to begin, teams can set the Sphero’s orientation. When instructed by the Judge, teams can execute their pre-created programs. Teams can use notebooks and self-created reference material to aid their programming. When the timer sounds, each team will return the Sphero to the starting location. When instructed, each team will execute their program for scoring. Each program will be executed three (3) times and the highest score of the three will be recorded. (note, no adjustments to the program may occur between the 3 attempts, but teams may alter starting position and Sphero orientation.) Location Checkpoint 1 Checkpoint 2 Checkpoint 3 Checkpoint 4 Checkpoint 5 Checkpoint 6 Finish Point Scoring Criteria: 20 x 2.5 = 50 Possible Points 2 Points (Activate Gate), 1 point (Through Checkpoint) 3 Points (Activate Gate), 2 point (Through Checkpoint) 1 point (Adjacent) 5 points on target, 4 points (Scoring Zone 1), 3 points (Scoring Zone 2), 2 points (Scoring Zone 3), 1 point (Scoring Zone 4)
Course Info for Competition: Create your program 7’ 8” Start Here Corner 5 Corner 6 Checkpoint 6 Checkpoint 5 3’ 4 1/2” 5’ 1 1/2” Checkpoint 2 Checkpoint 1 Corner 2 Corner 1 1’ 10 1/2” Checkpoint 3 1’ 8” 9 7/8” Corner 4 & Finish Corner 3 11 1/4” *There is a ½” line between boxes *The total area of the grid is 9’X12’ Checkpoint 4 5’ 9 1/2”
Checkpoints 1-3 Scoring Zones: Teams will obtain points as they pass through the Checkpoints as shown below: Activate Gate= 2 points Thru Checkpoint= 1 points Checkpoints 1-3 Scoring Zones 3 ½” 3 ½” 12” 12” Thru Checkpoint= 1 points Activate Gate= 2 points
Checkpoints 4-6 Scoring Zones: Teams will obtain points as they pass through the Checkpoints as shown below: Activate Gate= 3 points Thru Checkpoint= 2 points Adjacent = 1 point Checkpoints 4-6 Scoring Zones 3 ½” 3 ½” 12” 12” Activate Gate= 3 points Thru Checkpoint= 2 points Adjacent = 1 point
Finish Point Scoring 3” 2” 3” 2” From Corner 6, the team’s program should command the Sphero to roll to the Finish Point and stop for scoring. On Target = 5 points Scoring Zone 1 = 4 points Scoring Zone 2= 3 points Scoring Zone 3= 2 points Scoring Zone 4= 1 point 3” 2” 3” 2” Finish Point Scoring Zones (not to scale) 3” Target Scoring Zone 1 Scoring Zone 2 Scoring Zone 3 Scoring Zone 4