Sue Williamson Head of Library Services. St Helens Borough Council Thank you very much for asking me here today to talk to you about my career journey and in particular about our very successful Cultural Hubs programme in St Helens. There is something very gratifying about being asked to talk about yourself. I am conscious that what I want to do today is enthuse and inspire you about the fantastic rewards of a career in Librarianship, despite some of the doom and gloom around the austerity agenda. However, I do believe that public libraries and librarians have so much to bring to the table in terms of a vibrant modern 21st century agenda and I still believe that mine is truly the best job ever and I give daily thank that I get paid to do my hobby.
St Helens as a Place Rugby League Glass, Pharmaceuticals, Mining Health Inequalities Poor Educational attainment Low Digital Literacy Low Engagement with Arts and Culture High levels of Health Inequalities High incidences of mental health and substance abuse, usually alcohol High levels of unemployment and 3rd generation unemployment Low levels of educational attainment Low digital literacy Low engagement with Arts and Culture
Overview Aims of the Council 5 SCL Universal Offers Libraries TaskForce 7 Outcomes Addition of a 6th: Culture 5 Ways to Well-being Aims of the Council: Raising and Achieving Aspirations Having a Sustainable Health and Social Care System Growing the Economy Being Connected 7 Outcomes: Increased reading and Literacy Improved Digital Access and Literacy Helping Everyone Achieve their full potential Healthier and happier lives Greater prosperity Stronger and more resilient communities Cultural and Creative enrichment 5 Ways to Well-Being: Keep learning, Connect Take Notice Be Active Give
Current Organisational Structure in St Helens Library Services = Libraries, Arts and Culture and Adult and Community Learning Part of the department of Public Health and Well-Being In the People’s Directorate, includes Adult Social Care and Health and Children’s Social Care and Health
Recent Changes
Also In St Helens Bookstart: Bath, Brush,Book, Bed Autism and Asperger agenda Perinatal Mums Dementia Light exercise programmes with Healthy Living Emotionally Healthy Schools Calendar Spikes 5 Ways to Well-Being 5 Ways to Well-Being: Keep learning, Connect Take Notice Be Active Give
Development of Regional Partnerships NW Consortium Time to Read Development of the Liverpool City Region
The Road to Cultural Hubs 2010: Grant from ACE to deliver an action research programme Role of Arts for socially excluded and Potential impact on personalised budgets
Role of Commissions Other Ways of Telling: Arts and Mental Health Other Ways of Seeing: Arts and Physical and Sensory Disabilities Other Ways of Being: Arts in supporting recovery from Alcohol Abuse and in raising awareness
Cultural Hubs:The Jewel in the Crown Audience established Major target group: ASCH users ACE: Grants for the Arts in Libraries fund 5th year; 3 successful applications
Cultural Hubs 2 Delivered a range of arts performances in Libraries Supported artists 2 Arts in Libraries Conferences Spoken at other conferences Case Study for Ambition Shortlisted for CILIP award 2015 Won National Lottery Award 2016 Applied for NPO status for our library service (and were successful) Key shaper of new SCL Cultural offer
Cultural Hubs and Public Health: Expanded and Grown Arts on Prescription programme Commissioned and funded by Public Health Exceeded expectations, 2nd programme commissioned
Cultural Hubs 3 Aims and Objectives Why Libraries? 44% Facebook Friends 44% Cultural Hubs audience from that cohort 37% from lowest SOAs in the Borough National expected maximum: 20%
What next? Potential of Libraries Cradle to Grave Service 1 in 2 people regularly visit a library 224.6 million visits Saves NHS 27.5 million per annum
And in St Helens We have13 Libraries in St Helens 96% of people in the Borough currently live within 2 miles of a library In 2016/17, 685,514 people visited our libraries That’s 13,183 per week Or 2,197 per DAY 120,000 used our computers Over 45,000 came to our events What else gives that level of access/face to face reach for the Council? While our KPIs have shown a decline, in comparison with our CIPFA comparators we are in the top 3 on all counts.
Why Libraries? Specialist Libraries Fake news or Everyone a Google Expert!! Public Libraries Framework on offer today Universality.