Christ Church of Oak Brook Welcome to Christ Church of Oak Brook
Discovering Your Personality Type Today January 25th Lori Tompos Discovering Your Personality Type
The Well AM and PM Weekly Bible Study Resumes Jan. 17 Women and children are studying the gospel of Mark. We would love to have you join us...Little Buckets provides programming for infant- kindergarteners. Register at Childcare provided
MOPS Bible Study "The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands" By: Lysa TerKeurst Starts February 1st 9:15-11:15 Leaders: Kelly Cooper and Gina Dixon Registration will be available on cc-ob website as childcare will be available. A study guide will need to be purchased
Fanning the Flame Bible Study Interactive teaching. Rich conversations. Spirit led transformation. Exploring the Gospel of John and reading the devotional “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers. We would love for moms to join us! Begins June 1st in Room 263 Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 9:15 - 11:15 am Childcare is available and registration is required: For more information contact Kathy Woods,
Children’s Ministry at CCOB Hopscotch Hopscotch is a program designed to provide preschool children with direct and one-to-one practice and instruction in the areas of handwriting, phonemic awareness, and phonics. Children must be 4 by September 1, 2016 Thursday Hopscotch meets 9:00 a.m.-12:00p.m. on Thursdays Friday Hopscotch meets 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m. on Fridays The maximum class size is 10. For more information and to enroll, please contact Colleen Guisinger| | 630.321.6756 or Cathy Fiala | | 630.321.6753. Children’s Ministry at CCOB
Children’s Ministry at CCOB Curious Club Class offerings Monday-Thursday 12:00pm - 2:00pm For Children ages three through kindergarten Children must be at least 3 by September 1, 2016 and potty trained. Daily planned activities will be in the areas of Art, Bible Stories, Cooking, Language Arts, Math and Science. We will also provide a nutritious snack and extra time for play. For more information and to enroll, please contact Cathy Fiala | | 630.321.6753 | Kathy Woods | | 630.321.6782 | Colleen Guisinger | | 630.321.6756 Children’s Ministry at CCOB
Children’s Ministry at CCOB It's a Wonder-Full Day! Fridays 9:15am – 1:15pm Children 3-5 years old This faith-nurturing environment begins in a sacred story space with parent (caregiver) and child. After a 30-minute Bible story, children stay to enjoy singing, playing, snacking and making crafts. Parents return at 1:15 pm after the children have eaten their labeled peanut free lunch together. Session 3/Green begins Jan. 13 for the next 5 Friday mornings (9:15-1:15). We are exploring the Colors of the Church year...and would love to have your 3-6 year old join us. This is a sacred and sweet community of faith that will stir many family blessings! Register at Children’s Ministry at CCOB
Children’s Ministry at CCOB Children's Choirs BOTH CHOIRS: Weekly rehearsals begin Sunday, September 11 and run through December 18 and again from January 8-April 30. Periodically present music in Sunday morning worship services, as well as Thanksgiving Day, Spirit Village, Messiah-CarolFest Concerts, Christmas Eve, and Palm Sunday; they will present a full musical in the spring. Detailed calendar will be provided via email, on the website and hard copy on September 11. ACORN CHOIR (New rehearsal time!): Children age 4 through 1st grade. Rehearses Sunday mornings from 11:50-12:20. Acorn participants attending 10:45 KidZone will be escorted from their classrooms to the choir room (Room 111 on the lower level), where parents can pick them up afterward. Note: Parents of 4 year olds are required to stay with their child at least through October to be sure they are ready for this experience. KIDS OF THE KINGDOM (New rehearsal time!): Children in grades 2-6. Rehearses Sunday mornings from 10:00-10:45 in the choir room (Room 111 on the lower level). Note: Children who checked in at the kiosks for 9:00 KidZone/COW should come straight from their community to Room 111; additional kiosk check-in is not required. Children who attend 10:45 KidZone/COW should be checked in prior to coming to rehearsal and will be dismissed to their community at 10:45. Children's Music Coordinator Cassandra Henwood can be contacted at Children’s Ministry at CCOB
Men's Fraternity: Thursday mornings 6- 7:30 AM Strengthen your leadership capacity with other young men! Register at HomeFront Community: 1st and 3rd Saturday evenings, 4:30-6 pm. Are you looking for a place to connect with some other young parents? Do you want yourself and your family to grow spiritually? Join this mid-size community of early childhood parents! Please contact Kathy at
Save the Dates for Summer 2017: Camp Wonder 1 & 2: May 31-June 2 and June6-9 WaterWorks - He Miraculously Makes a Way! Camp Wonder 3: July 10-14 "...the Bible Tells Me So!" - Letting God's Word Form Our Hearts. VBS: June 19-23 (for children 4 years old by Aug. 31, 2017 - entering 5th grade
McDonalds Westchester January 26th 11-1pm McDonalds Westchester 31st and Wolf Rd
Thursday, February 9th Save the Date!
MOPS Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 8th More details to follow
Food For Next Meeting February 8th Need food ideas? Check out our Pinterest Page! CCOB MOPS Proteins: Table 2 Sweets & Fruits: Table 3 Salads: Table 4 Moppets Backup: Tables 5 & 4
Next Time at MOPS Feruary 8th Cathi Schuurmann BIG Emotions: How to help your child with the feelings of anger, frustration & worry
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