Bell Work Come in the room & choose an explorer. You will be working on a 2 day project with this group. This project counts as a test grade, so choose your group wisely. When the bell rings, you will not be able to change groups.
Explorer’s Newscast Project With your group, you will write a 3-5 minute newscast on an assigned explorer. The Newscast should be written as a script as if you were on the news discussing the topic. Make sure the Newscast is detailed and answers “who, what, when, where, why”. You can use the book as well as the provided articles to help you write your script. The script must be completed by Friday and will be presented. All members must have equal lines/participation. This will count as a test grade.
Your interview must address the following: Identify the country responsible for this voyage & the explorer. Identify the purpose of the exploration. Discuss the route taken & include an image, you may use the projector to display your route. Summarize the results of the voyage.
What If… If it is evident that you cannot work with your group based on inappropriate classroom behavior, you will no longer work in the group. You will be assigned a 5 paragraph essay on one of the explorers. This essay will be graded by the ELA teachers as a final draft.
Remember… Good luck! All groups will present Monday You must have the script written and prepared. Use the article and the textbook to write the script (Chapter 12 on p.322) Good luck!