Causes of Conflict CBA PNW History 2014 Lucini’s Class Student Name: _____________ Period: ____________________
Instructions (Just Read This) Answer the question(s) on each slide completely and thoughtfully. 2. You must use at least three DIFFERENT sources (books, articles, magazines, websites, etc.) to support your ideas. 3. Your sources MUST be cited (written down) when you use them. If you copy ideas without showing where they came from you are cheating. 4. Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Slide #1 - Answer the following questions as best you can: (Position Statement) I believe that the THREE causes of the Puget Sound War are Could the conflict have been avoided? Why or why not?
Slide #2 - Answer the following questions as best you can in full sentences: WHO was involved in the conflict (be specific about the names of Native people and settlers involved)? WHAT was the conflict that occurred? WHEN did the conflict(s) happen (specific dates and times)? WHERE did the conflict(s) take place (specific locations)?
Slide #3a - Answer the following questions as best you can in full sentences: The FIRST reason for the conflict was... How did this cause the war? (Include quotations and explanations in your evidence)
Slide #3b - Answer the following questions as best you can in full sentences: The SECOND reason for the conflict was... How did this cause the war? (Include quotations and explanations in your evidence)
Slide #3c - Answer the following questions as best you can in full sentences: The THIRD reason for the conflict was... How did this cause the war? (Include quotations and explanations in your evidence)
Slide #4 - Answer the following questions as best you can in full sentences: In your opinion, WHICH of the 3 reasons, that you already wrote about, was the MOST IMPORTANT for the conflict happening? This is more important than the other reasons because …(include quotations and explanations in your evidence)
Slide #4b - Answer the following questions as best you can in full sentences: In your opinion, if the MOST IMPORTANT reason for the conflict had not happened, HOW might things have been different? My evidence is (quotations)...
Sources Did you include quotes from AT LEAST three different sources? List the titles and the authors of the sources below. 1. 2. 3. 4.