Op Art When something plays tricks on your eyes it is called an Optical Illusion… Op Art is artwork that plays tricks on our eyes.
Op Art There is an artist named M.C. Escher who is famous for creating lots of different kinds of Op Art. M.C. Escher
Op Art M.C. Escher
Op Art M.C. Escher
Op Art When you stare at a color for a long time, then you stare into an empty space… you can sometimes see the opposite of that color!
Op Art Stare at the nose for 15 seconds. Then, look into the white box. What do you see?
Op Art Stare at the black dot with color for 15 seconds. Then, look quickly at the black dot without color. What do you see?
Lines! Op Art is only successful when using various lines correctly. How many different lines can you think of?
Op Art There is an artist named Bridget Riley who is famous for creating Op Art that looks like it is moving. Sometimes it hurts your eyes to look at it for too long.
Op Art
Op Art
Op Art
Some OP art MOVES
Or Hides images
Gets “tricky” toward the middle
Ppick a COMPLEMENTARY color scheme Red and Green Blue and Orange Purple and Yellow Really push your VALUE from light to dark.
Hand Example HAND Example Day 2 videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFixhYUskqw Hand Example HAND Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naMb5b4_QaY