Introduction to the Department of Sport and Recreation Information Centre A self guided tutorial to help you discover the library services
Introduction Welcome to the Department of Sport and Recreation Information Service. This tutorial has been designed to introduce staff of the Department to the library services provided by the Information Centre It is intended for use by staff at Leederville and all Statewide offices to enable equitable access to the library services The tutorial will take between minutes to complete.
What to expect During this tutorial you will learn: How to find and request items from the library Where the e-journals are located, and how to access them How to place a request for items not held in the library The purpose of the Clearinghouse for Sport If you have any questions regarding the tutorial or access to the links provided please contact the Information Centre.
How to find the Information Centre The Information Centre is located on the first floor of the Leederville building. It is staffed by Renae, Lisa and Sally Staff are in attendance Monday to Friday between 8.00am and 4.00pm Contact either in person By phone on ext 870 Or by
How to find books and journals The library collection, that is the print books, and journals, DVDs and other material, are kept in a secure area only accessible to library staff. While browsing the shelves is not possible, you can search for books, journals and other material by using the library catalogue which is located on the library homepage at Information Centre e-Library - Homeground Information Centre e-Library - Homeground
How to search the catalogue and request items You may search for books in the library catalogue by using author, title or subject. The journals search function uses title of the publication only Any items that you locate on the catalogue may be requested by contacting the library staff. Items are usually retrieved within the hour and delivered in person to Leederville staff, or posted to all other staff.
Journals in print There are more than 70 journals subscribed to by the Information Centre. You can see the full list on the library journals page at eJournals - Information Centre e-Library - HomegroundeJournals - Information Centre e-Library - Homeground Many are still acquired in print, and these are available for circulation to staff. If you would like to be included on the circulation list for any titles, please complete the Journal circulation form provided on the journals page.
E-journals Increasingly, journals are becoming available in e format, that is, for on screen delivery. The advantage is that you can read these as soon as they are accessible. To see the titles currently available from the Information Centre visit the e-journals page at eJournals eJournals Log on details are provided in the side box next to each journal cover image on the page.
What to do if you cant find what you need – Interlibrary loans You may have searched the catalogue, but could not find either a specific item that you require, or could not find any items on a particular subject A book, book chapter or journal article may be requested from another library as an interlibrary loan. To arrange this please complete the item request form at
What else to do You can request a literature search. Information Centre staff will complete these using databases, external sources and other library catalogues. Literature searches may be conducted over several days, so please allow for this when placing requests. To request a literature search please complete the form at
Databases and the Clearinghouse for Sport The Information Centre, in partnership with the National Sport Information Centre, provides access to a number of databases of indexed journal articles through the Clearinghouse for Sport Access to the Clearinghouse is arranged for those staff who are required to conduct research Please see the separate Clearinghouse tutorial to see how it works and if it will be of benefit to you.
If you think an item is worth recommending New items are continually added to the collection as the work of the Department continues to expand and develop If you come across something that you think would be of value to others, please let us know. Suggestions are welcome, for all types of material, and help in building a library collection for the benefit of all staff.
Self evaluation Do you know where to find the library? Have you tried the catalogue? Can you access the e-journals? Do you know how to request books and journals? Have you completed a request for journal circulation? Do you know where to access databases? You have now completed the tutorial. Thank you.
Acknowledgments Images form slides 5, 8 & 14 courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art Photo Library