Skills and Techniques
The skills you require for sport are dependent on the activity and position. E.g. A gk in football will need some different skills to the outfield players to be successful you have to master certain skills, it is widely believed that in order to do this you need a certain amount of natural ability Our personal characteristics can affect our chances of mastering skills, for example our determination
You have 5 mins Can you list 8 skills that you may need in sport?
Simple skills are something like throwing, catching and striking These skills can only be mastered if there is full control of the body movement This requires good co ordination and balance These skills can be very quick to learn
These take longer to learn as they require greater co ordination and control It is also usually a series of simple skills put together like a tumble routine in gymnastics
These skills have the potential to be different every time they are carried out, this is because there are factors affecting how the skill is performed, this could be a change in wind direction, other players or an unexpected bounce of the ball
When this skill is repeated it should be done in the same way each time as there is no external factors influencing the actions. For example a golf swing or a conversion attempt in rugby
8 mins to Select two sports and identify whether they are team or individual sports Make a list of the skills that are required to play each sport and describe how you score and how to win Extension task produce a diagram of the area in which the sport is played