Graduating senior in information science and technology Edwin Sanchez Graduating senior in information science and technology
Who am I 4th year senior Major: Information Science and Technology B.S. Minor: Philosophy Cyber Defense Team Works in Mercer Law IT Department
Why I chose IST Security Network administration Consulting Web I wanted to enter a field with various job opportunities Security Network administration Consulting Web To practice my computer skills and expand on it Take advantage of a growing and hands-on Department Professor relationships Resources (24 hour labs)
Continued Databases Web design and content delivery Program and course content Databases Web design and content delivery Network design and application Information and Server Security Mercer Cyber Defense Team
Why choose Computer Science If your interested in software engineering and building projects Scope is endless Working in a unpredictable field with job security Application of programming is endless Excellent professors and Department resources Mercer Programming Team Binary Bears
Past Graduate Zach Owen Graduated in 2014 with a B.S. in Information Science and Technology Currently working for Information Systems Engineering Command (ISEC) Previously in Fort Huachuca, AZ Currently at Fort Gordon in Augusta, GA Previously was designing a training network for soldiers Currently in charge of databases for engineering operations Design & Build Updates
Advice from Zach and I Follow what you enjoy Find internships in your field Zach recommends that IST/CS students who need scholarships, apply to the SMART scholarship Paid Internships Guaranteed Jobs